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HCS Main Quality Enhancement Programme - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Tue, Mar 24th, 2015

HCS Main Quality Enhancement Programme

HCS Main Quality Enhancement Programme


Kushmanda’s “Quality Enhancement Programs” also known as QEP(40 DAYS CRASH COURSE )

  • Only Kushmanda  can give you the positive approach for HCS Main Exam?
  • Only  kushmanda can help to make one successful in Mains?
  • Only kushmanda tells What one writes during  three hours makes one topper and anther failure?
  • Give this  attempt with the full fire.
  • So you should not waste this opportunity for just a sake of only writing the main examination.
  • Change  your mind according to the pattern of the questions which will be  asked.
  • In Preliminary exam, the question is given and all the answers are also given. You need to pick the correct answer at the most closest answer among the four choices. But in the Mains exam it is not so, only the question is given and you have the freedom to write whatever answer you want or put your own ideas accordingly.
  • We have to be “very spontaneous with answers” and for that spontaneity to come to you, you have to be clear about “your opinion formation, proper thought process and question-answer formating”.
  • Kushmanda  can give you the positive approach. Kushmanda  will help you to focus in preparation with a positive way. The most important advantage of this kushmanda’s  Quality Enhancement Programme(QEP).
  • Courses :
  • GS PAPER  (BATCH will commence from 1MARCH 10:00 am 1:00pm,40 days crash course)
  • Fee :Rs12000/-
  • POLITICAL SCIENCE (BATCH STARTS 1MARCH 2:00 pm to 4:00pm,40 days crash course,) Fee :Rs12000/-
  • HISTORY (BATCH STARTS 1MARCH 2:00 pm to 4:00pm, 40 days crash course) Fee :Rs12000/-
  • General hindi & Essay (BATCH STARTS 1MARCH 08:00 am 9:30am, 40 days crash course) Fee :Rs8000/-
  • General English      (BATCH STARTS 1MARCH 08:00 am 9:30am, 40 days crash course) Fee :Rs8000/-





Kushmanda also helps to arrange room/pg facility near kushmanda instutute in panipat.

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HCS Main Quality Enhancement Programme
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