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UP Lekhpal Complete Course | Interactive Live Classes | English Hindi Medium - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Mon, Jan 10th, 2022

UP Lekhpal Complete Course | Interactive Live Classes | English Hindi Medium

UP Lekhpal Complete Course | Interactive Live Classes | English Hindi Medium

Online Purchase and Registration Procedure

Course Detail

1. Specially designed for all types of UPSSC Lekhpal Exam.

2. Covers Maths, Hindi, General Knowledge and Village SOC and Development.

Package Contains


2. 15+ Tests

3. Study Material in Prited Book format

4.Kushmanda Monthly Magazine  in eBook format for 1 year.

Course Features:

1. Dedicated student mentors for academic concerns, time management and counseling

2. Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes

3. Access recordings of all past classes

Course Advantages

1. Access to coaching from qualified Kushmada’s faculty

2. Builds a strong foundation for Maths, Hindi, General Knowledge and Village SOC and Development.

3. Regular assessment and comparative micro-analysis to aid better preparation

4. Ideal for students to get digital ready for CBT mode of entrance examinations.

System Requirements:

Desktop/Laptop/Tablet/Mobile. Internet bandwidth requirement of 512 Kbps

Product Highlights

1. Library: Recorded Lectures available within 72 hours of a class under Library Section

2. Candidate can discuss all their doubts and queries with his/her academic mentor through telegram channel./Call/email etc

3. Provide a Live Exam Test and Discussion on its Solution in every 15 Days for 1 year.

4. Provide Mains Live Classes to Qualified Candidates after clearing the Prelims Exam.

5. EMagazine: Plan for 12 months

Batch Details:

1. Batches: Weekday Batches

2. Teaching Language: English Hindi( Hinglish)

3. Batch Timing: 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM

4. Frequency of class: 6 days/week (Mon To Sat)

Fee: Rs 18000/-  after  discount Rs 10800/-

Payment link

hhelpline:9728926678, 8607570992

UP Lekhpal Complete Course | Interactive Live Classes | English Hindi Medium
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