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TARGET HCS PT 2023 Complete Revision of Prelims through 6000+Mcqs & 70+Revision Classes - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Thu, Sep 22nd, 2022

TARGET HCS PT 2023 Complete Revision of Prelims through 6000+Mcqs & 70+Revision Classes

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TARGET HCS PT 2023 Complete Revision of Prelims through 6000+Mcqs & 70+Revision Classes








HPSC  preliminary examination requires a synthesis of facts and analysis to identify the facts correctly in examination hall. It also needs an eclectic and diverse knowledge base spanning various subjects, all blended with right approach to easily comprehend the various types of questions asked in the examination. Our Target PT programme helps the candidate master all of the above with a focused prelims specific approach. It also helps in orderly and quick revision of entire General Studies syllabus touching upon static concepts and synchronization of current affairs through regular tests and sessions covering important aspects of the syllabus.

Batch Starts: 24th September

Test Timing : 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM,

Class Timing : 10:30 AM to 01:30 PM

TARGET HCS PT 2023 Complete Revision of Prelims through 6000+Mcqs & 70+Revision Classes
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