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Sociology Optional Foundation 2023 - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Fri, Sep 23rd, 2022

Sociology Optional Foundation 2023

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Sociology Optional Foundation 2023


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  • 3.5 Months course for complete and comprehensive coverage of Entire Syllabus
  • Interactive and immersive classes to enhance one’s grasp over the subject
  • Special Emphasis on Interlinkage of Paper 1 and Paper 2
  • Test Series Including 8 Tests (6 Sectional & 4 Mock)
  • Discussion of previous year Papers
  • Crisp and relevant study material
  • Personalised Mentorship

Sociology optional is one of the well-known and oft-chosen optional subjects in HPSC  The nature of the syllabus and its significant overlap with GS Society, Essay, Ethics, and in small measures other GS papers renders it a unique quality of being a super subject. Kushmanda IAS-HCS Academy Sociology Optional Foundation is a 3.5 Months Comprehensive Class to Cover the Complete HPSC Syllabus of Sociology with the innovative methodology of teaching and application of different approaches mentioned in the syllabus. The sheer utilitarian value of the optional helps not just in the overall enhancement of knowledge but also covers most parts of the HPSC Syllabus



Sociology optional is one of the well-known and oft chosen optional subjects in HPSC CSE. The nature of the syllabus and its significant overlap with GS Society, Essay, Ethics, and in small measures other GS papers renders it a unique quality of being a super subject. Even then, it is only with meticulous preparation and integrated learning, that one makes it to the top.


To manifest results in sociology optional aspirants need be observe and contemplate on the 2 stilts that the HPSC examination stands on: Preparation and Presentation

Preparation for HPSC Optional requires perseverance, but most importantly a comprehensive strategy. Through interactive and immersive class lectures, we aim to enhance one’s grasp over the subject, with particular focus on the Examinee’s mindset:

  • Strengthening fundamental Sociology – Sociological Thinkers and Concepts. Application of fundamentals: how to use the same information in multiple areas.
  • Nurture analytical bent of mind – Understand Cause effect, pretext to situation, and possible outcomes – Interlinkage of Paper 1 and Paper 2.
  • Core and Periphery – Core forms the foundational pillars which are Non negotiable.
    Periphery can be enhanced through thorough revision of current affairs. The paper consists of a basic discussion on social institutions and social structure, which forms the Core of your preparation. However, without thorough conceptual clarity, the peripheral questions cannot be tackled. Therefore it is imperative to understand the interconnectedness.
  • Sociological Imagination to tackle dynamic questions. Often questions seem to come from ‘hidden syllabus’. To be better prepared for oddballs, class discussions provide room for intellectual stimulation and direct one to effective engagement with the syllabus.
  • Cut the Clutter
    We provide maximum analysis in minimum words. The hidden gem of sociologically understanding is multidimensionality.
  • Effective Note making
    Due to paucity of time, one doesn’t find it feasible to read bulky standard books. While there is no short cut in the examination process, our classroom discussions act as a catalyst to comprehensive preparation. Furthermore, we focus on incorporating a hybrid of case studies, surveys, appropriate examples, and diagrams through classroom discussions.

In the end, it all boils down to concrete, actionable fructifying preparation and quantifiable results. Preparation without Presentation renders itself null and void in the arduous journey of the examination. Effective presentation can be achieved by understanding the Examiner’s Mindset.

  • The examiner looks for Analytical ability rather than the ability to mug up facts. Facts and figures are used to validate the argument, however without analysis, they cannot build your argument.
  • Conceptual Clarity – Make a balanced judgment of key points.
    Write in minimal words, avoid repetition
    Quality over Quantity
  • Structure – Is essential as the examiner observes coherence in presentation. Understand the flow of the argument and identify key aspects.
  • Presentation – If the question is broke into sections, determine which section carries what weightage. Appropriate elaboration is key.
  • Simple plan – Introduction – Body – Conclusion

The Examiner’s mindset is perhaps easy to describe but difficult to understand. This is where we provide exhaustive answer writing practice through systematic and well-crafted test series.

Answer writing under pressure and examination like conditions: Mock tests to assess how you perform under pressure.

Evaluation of answers drives a direction to your preparation.

To achieve peak performance – Practice makes the exam doable.


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Sociology Optional Foundation 2023
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