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#Punab Police Sub Inspector online course - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education

#Punab Police Sub Inspector online course

#Punab Police Sub Inspector online course
Punjab Online Course 2021
• Makes you feel like you are inside Kushmanda’s classroom.
• Our Offline and Online classes are conducted in the exact same manner.
• Live-online classes are truly 2-way interactive and not pre-recorded lectures.
• Module based teaching
• Interact with your teachers in exactly the same way as you would do in physical classes.
• Backup of online classes will be available for 1 Year
• Class Notes will be provided on a regular basis.
• QIP Classes: Questions formating classes including tests, discussions and evaluation.
• The Test Series (TS) and Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) have been designed for improving candidates’ learning outcomes. The main purpose is to help candidates: Evaluate what they have studied. Help them revise and update their knowledge. Overall, augment their preparation towards  exam.
• Study material prepared by teachers, for syllabus of Exam, will be given in pdf format and hard copies will be sent by post
• Fresher to expert: Our courses are designed to help candidate even without a prior background in the subject.
• Goal oriented teaching: Detailed-analytical study of the subject with respect to Exam syllabus & previous years’ questions will be completed in a comprehensive and time bound manner.
• Practice Tests: Periodic assignments and tests will be given to check concept clarity and do revision of the topics covered.
• Live-Online classes will be conducted for 2 hours, 5 days in a week from Monday to Friday.
• Comprehensive- updated study material will be provided to the students (soft copy will be uploaded on and hard copies will be posted).
• Class Notes will be provided on a regular basis.
• Your teachers will always be available for any doubts and discussions even after the completion of your course.
• We encourage all students to stay connected with us and approach us for any assistance they require – doubts & discussion, tests, evaluation & feedback, guidance, etc.
FEE : 16000/- 15000/-
HELPLINE:8607570992, 9728926678
Post Wise Vacancy Details
Post Name Total Age Limit Qualification
Sub-Inspectors in District Police Cadre 87 18-28 yrs Candidate should be a graduate from a recognized university, or its equivalent
Sub-Inspectors in Armed Police Cadre 97 18-28 yrs
Post Wise Vacancy Details
Post Name Total Age Limit Qualification
Sub-Inspectors investigation officer 289 18-28 yrs Candidate should be a graduate from a recognized university, or its equivalent
einvestigation officer 87 18-28 yrs
#Punab Police Sub Inspector online course
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (97% score)

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