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HTET 2013 - Kushmanda Education CS Updates,India resultKushmanda Education
Published On: Sun, Feb 17th, 2013

HTET 2013

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HTET 2013

Important ‘one word substitution’ for English Language Paper


A person who believes in fate- Fatalist
A person who is above hundred years- Centenarian
A book published after the death of its author- Posthumas
A book written by an unknown author- Anonymous
A cinema show which is held in the afternoon- Matinee
A citizen of the world- Cosmopolite
A contagious disease which spreads over a huge area- Epidemic
A drug or other substance that induces sleep- Soporific
A flesh eating animal- Carnivorous
A game in which neither party wins- Draw
A game in which no one wins- Draw
A game or batter in which neither party wins- Drawn/ Tie
A Government by a king or queen- Monarchy
A Government by one- Autocracy
A Government by the few- Oligarchy
A Government by the Nobles- Aristocracy
A Government by the officials- Bureaucracy
A Government by the people- Democracy
A Government by the rich- Plutocracy
A grass eating animal- Herbivorous
A great lover of books- Bibliophile
A handwriting that cannot be read- Illegible
A land animal that breeds in water- Amphibian
A letter, poem etc. whose author is unknown- Anonymous
A life history written by oneself- Autobiography
A life history written by somebody else- Biography
A list of books- Catalogue
A list of names, books etc.- Catalogue
A loss of damage that cannot be compensated- Irreparable
A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy- Callous
A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion- Fanatic
A man who is easily irritated- Irritable
A medicine that kills germs- Germicide
A medicine that prevents decomposing- Antiseptic
A medicine to counteract the effect of another -medicine- Antidote
A member of the middle class- Bourgeois
A method that cannot be imitated- Inimitable
A pardonable offense- Venial
A person appointed by parties to settle the disputes between them- Arbitrator
A person difficult to please- Fastidious
A person liable to be called to account for his action- Answerable
A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return- Parasite
A person who always thinks of himself; somebody who is selfish or self-centered- Egotist
A person who attacks first- Aggressor
A person who believes easily whatever he is told- Credulous
A person who believes that all events are pre-determined- Fatalist
A person who cannot read or write- Illiterate
A person who does not believe in the institution of marriage- Misogamist
A person who has power over all- Omnipotent
A person who hates women- Misogynist
A person who imports or exports goods into or from a country secretly because they are illegal- Smuggler
A person who knows everything- Omniscient
A person who loves every body- Altruist
A person who readily believes whatever is told to him/her- Credulous
A person who remains unmoved and unaffected by other people’s opinions, suggestions- Impervious
A person who rides on horse-back- Equestrian
A person who speaks two languages- Bilingual
A person with an evil reputation- Notorious
A person’s peculiar habit- Idiosyncrasy
A place where orphans live- Orphanage
A place where weapons and ammunitions are stored- Arsenal
A position for which no salary is paid- Honorary
A post held without receiving salary- Honorary
A post which doesn- Honorary
A remedy which never fails- Infallible
A sentence whose meaning is unclear- Ambiguous
A short message added on to the end of a letter after the signature- Postscript
A shortened form of a word or phrase- Abbreviation
A sound that cannot be heard- Inaudible
A speech delivered without any previous preparation- Extempore
A speech or a presentation made without previous preparation- Extempore
A state of perfect balance- Equilibrium
A statement which cannot be understood- Incomprehensible
A study of ancient things- Archaeology
A study of animals- Zoology
A study of birds- Ornithology
A study of derivation of words- Etymology
A study of man- Anthropology
A study of races- Ethnology
A study of the body- Physiology
A supposed cure for all diseases or problems- Panacea
A thing no longer in use Obsolete
A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes Invisible
A thing that is fit to be eaten Edible
A word opposite in meaning to another Antonym
Absence of government Anarchy
All-powerful; possessing complete power and authority Omnipotent
An absolute government by one man Autocracy
An animal or a human being that eats any kind of food Omnivorous
An animal who preys on other animals Predator
An assembly of hearers at a lecture or concert Audience
An exact copy Facsimile
An office with high salary but no work Sinecure
Anything that leads to death Fatal
Assembly or parliament in which no party has got clear majority Hung


Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth- Congenital
Belonging to the Middle Ages- Medieval
Belonging to the same period of time- Contemporary


Celebration of a hundredth year, once- Centenary
Cut off the head- Behead

Sentences Start with Alphabet – D

Destroy or get rid of something completely- Eradicate
Do away with wholly- Abolish


Free somebody from blame or guilt- Exonerate


General pardon- Amnesty
General pardon for political offenders- Amnesty
Government by officials Bureaucracy
Government by the nobles Aristocracy
Government by the officials Bureaucracy
Government by the people Democracy


Handwritten book- Manuscript
Hard but liable to be easily broken- Brittle
Hater of mankind Misanthropist
Having opposing feelings Ambivalent
Impossible to change- Incorrigible
Incapable of being dissolved in a liquid- Insoluble
Incapable of being seized by attack Impregnable
Inscription on a tombstone Epitaph


Killer of one- Matricide


Liable to be called to account- Accountable
Life story of a man written by himself- Autobiography
Life story of a man written by other Biography
Looking into one Introspection
Lover of mankind Philanthropist


Medical examination of a dead body- Postmortem
Men living in the same age- Contemporary
Misappropriation of money- Embezzlement
Murder of a father Patricide
Murder of a human being Homicide
Murder of a mother Matricide
Murder of an brother Fratricide
Murder of an infant Infanticide
Murder of self Suicide
Murder of the king Regicide


Not applicable- Irrelevant


Of a man showing feminine attributes- Effeminate
Of a man or animal that feeds on its own species- Cannibal
Of a person extremely desirous of money- Avaricious
of a person who can use both hands equally well- Ambidextrous
Of a person who cannot be pleased easily Fastidious
Of a person who easily believes whatever is told to him Credulous
Of animals feeding on flesh Carnivorous
Of animals feeding on grass and plants Herbivorous
Of animals living in flocks Gregarious
Of manners more like those of a woman than a man Effeminate
One incapable of being tired Indefatigable
One who always thinks himself to be ill Valetudinarian
One who believes in fate Fatalist
One who believes in God Theist
One who calculates premium Actuary
One who can do anything for money Mercenary
One who can make himself at home in all countries Cosmopolitan
One who can speak two languages Bilingual
One who can throw his voice Ventriloquist
One who cannot be corrected- Incorrigible
One who cannot read or write Illiterate
One who changes sides Turncoat
One who copies from other writers Plagiarist
One who damages public property Vandal
One who dies without a Will Intestate
One who does not believe in the existence of God Atheist
One who does not care for art, literature etc Philistine
One who does not make mistakes Infallible
One who does something not professionally but for pleasure Amateur
One who doesn’t know how to read and write Illiterate
One who doubts the existence of god Agnostic
One who eats too much Glutton
One who feels sympathetic towards human beings Humanitarian
One who goes on foot Pedestrian
One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views Bigot
One who has no money Pauper
One who has strange habits Eccentric
One who hates mankind Misanthrope
One who hates women- Misogynist
One who helps others Good Samaritan
One who is a newcomer Neophyte
One who is all powerful Omnipotent
One who is difficult to please Fastidious
One who is easily deceived Gullible
One who is fond of sensuous pleasures Epicure
One who is greedy for money Avaricious
One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain Stoic
One who is new to a trade or profession Novice
One who is not easily pleased Fastidious
One who is out to subvert a government Anarchist
One who is present everywhere Omnipresent
One who is qualifies for election Eligible
One who is quite like a woman Effeminate
One who is recovering from illness Convalescent
One who is unable to pay his debts Insolvent
One who is unmarried Celibate
One who knows everything Omniscient
One who knows many languages Polyglot
One who lives in a foreign country Immigrant
One who looks on the bright side of things Optimist
One who looks on the dark side of things Pessimist
One who loves books Bibliophile
One who loves mankind Philanthropist
One who makes an official examination of accounts Auditor
One who pretends to be what he is not Hypocrite
One who pursues some art or sport as hobby Amateur
One who questions everything- Cynic
One who speaks less Reticent
One who thinks only for oneself, a person who is selfish, self absorbed and self centered Egoist
One who thinks only of himself Egoist
One who thinks only of welfare of women Feminist
One who works for free Volunteer


People living at the same time- Contemporaries
People of noble families or the highest social class- Aristocracy
People who work together- Colleagues
Person who rides on horse-back Equestrian
Persons living in the same age Contemporaries
Practice of having one wife or husband Monogamy
Practice of having several husbands Polyandry
Practice of having several wives Polygamy
Practice of having two wives or husbands Bigamy


Recovering from illness- Convalescent
Remarks which do not ally apply to the subject unde discussion- Irrelevant
Rule by the mob Mobocracy


Science of coins or medal- Numismatics
Science of origin of universe- Cosmology
Somebody or something with the same name as somebody or something else Namesake
Somebody who doesn Vegetarian
somebody who eats human flesh Cannibal
Somebody who is considerably experienced in something Veteran
Somebody who works or serves only for personal profit Mercenary
Something said or done without preparation Extempore
Something that cannot be corrected Incorrigible
Something that cannot be imitated Inimitable
Something that has been determined beforehand Foregone
Something that is essential and cannot be dispensed with Indispensable
Something that is quickly and easily set on fire and burned Inflammable
Something that quickly catches fire- Inflammable
Spoken or done without preparation Extempore
state of antagonism Hostility
Statements open to more than interpretation Ambiguous
Study of environment Ecology
Systematic study of election trends Psephology


That can be eaten- Edible
That cannot be altered or withdrawn- Irrevocable
That is prohibited by law- Illicit
That through which light can partly pass Translucent
That through which light can pass Transparent
That through which light cannot pass Opaque
That which cannot be avoided Inevitable
That which cannot be believed Incredible
That which cannot be changed Irrevocable
That which cannot be conquered Invincible
That which cannot be cured Incurable
That which cannot be defended Indefensible
That which cannot be described Indescribable
That which cannot be explained Inexplicable
That which cannot be hurt Invulnerable
That which cannot be imitated Inimitable
That which cannot be noticed Imperceptible
That which cannot be practiced Impracticable
That which cannot be put into practice Impracticable
That which cannot be read Illegible
That which cannot be satisfied Insatiable
That which cannot be seen Invisible
That which does not bear the name of the writer Anonymous
That which is against law Illegal
That which is considered wrong or unacceptable by prevailing social standards Illicit
That which is lawful Legal
That which is not likely to happen- Improbable
That which is unlikely to happen- Improbable
The act of killing an infant Infanticide
The action of looking back on past time Introspection
The area over which an official has control Jurisdiction
The branch of biology dealing with plant life Botany
The custom of having more than one husband at a time Polyandry
The custom of having more than one wife at a time Polygamy
The first speech made by a person Maiden
The killing of an infant Infanticide
The life story of a man written by himself Autobiography
The murder or murderer of one Fratricide
The period between childhood and adulthood Adolescence
The science which treats with life Biology
To date before the true time Antedate
To explain something mysterious or difficult Elucidate
To free somebody from all blame Exonerate
To give one Delegate
To go down in value Depreciate
To go from bad to worse Deteriorate
To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a disease Aggravate
To increase the speed; to hasten the progress of Accelerate
To lay special stress on Emphasize
To rise in value Appreciate
To root out an evil, disease Eradicate
To take away some one Disenfranchisement
To take somebody away by force and hold him or her prisoner, usually for ransom Kidnap
To transfer one’s authority to another Delegate
To turn friends in enemies Alienate
To write under a different name Pseudonym


Very negative person- Pessimist
Violating the sanctity of a church- Sacrilege


Water fit for drinking- Potable
Without life- Inanimate
Without payment- Gratis
Words which have the same meaning- Synonyms
Words written on the tomb of a person Epitaph
Work for which no salary is paid Honorary



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