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HCS Prelims Test Series 2021 (Complete revision through test) - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Tue, Jun 22nd, 2021

HCS Prelims Test Series 2021 (Complete revision through test)

HCS Prelims Test Series 2021 (Complete revision through test)


What is this program all about?

•             PRELIMS TEST SERIES 2021 is designed to achieve MAXIMUM SCORE in Prelims 2021 through Speed and Accuracy in solving MCQs which plays the most VITAL role in 2 hrs of prelims examination.

•             Programme will help in organising the preparation which is very important because due to late start and unorganised study aspirants lag behind and fail in Prelims exam by 2-3 marks.

•             This program is designed to help students in Quick Revision; otherwise, they may be lost in the vast ocean of data and information overload.

How is it different from other test series?

•             Self-Study and regular REVISION is the key to Holistic Preparation.

•             Our PRELIMS Test Series 2021will cover each subject in a holistic manner.

•             Each subject will be covered rigorously.

•             This will help students prepare each subject extensively as well as intensively.

•             Programme will test one’s knowledge and preparation for prelims rigorously.

Comprehensive tests based on latest HCS trend(Most Imp Questions)

• Get a Real-time Scorecard with a thorough analysis of your performance using powerful analytics

1. Macro & Micro Performance Analysis

2. Section-Wise/Topic-Wise Analysis

3. Comparison with Toppers

4. Score Card Comparison

5. Time Management Analysis

• Tests are conducted in a user-friendly manner and can be taken at your convenience.

• Explanations to the questions are provided in real time – at the click of a button.

Fee :Rs 6000/-

HELPLINE:8607570992 || 9728926678


How to use this Programme?

•             Through our PRELIMS Test Series students will solve 3500+ MCQs with detailed explanations.

•             Detailed explanations will help in covering multiple dimensions of the topics in syllabus in stipulated time and full efficiency.

•             Explanation with Smart solution will help in learning the art of elimination as it is not feasible for an aspirant to know everything under the sun. The art of eliminating options is the key to solve those questions where students lack suffi cient information asked in the exam.

HCS Prelims Test Series 2021 (Complete revision through test)
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