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HCS Hindi and Hindi Essay Online Course - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Mon, Sep 20th, 2021

HCS Hindi and Hindi Essay Online Course

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HCS Hindi and Hindi Essay Online Course

This programme will:

#Help you master “The Art of Writing Answers” with constant guidance. It will help you to write good answers with contextual, structural and language competency and take your preparedness a notch higher. Identify your strengths and specific weakness and work upon them in a concerted manner to develop quality content, refine answer writing skill, and efficient time management.

#Evaluate your answer sheets thoroughly with multiple levels of cross-checking by our team of experienced evaluators and reviewers to provide with a prudent performance assessment.

#Mentor you to take stock of the performance and fine-tune strategies in order to devise the right strategy with the help of the experienced team.

#Benchmark your present preparation to gradually improve the performance.

#Evaluation Methodology:

We have a team of experienced evaluators and reviewers, who ensure that the answer sheets are evaluated through the “Competency Prism” i.e. the parameters to be followed for evaluation of any answer sheet.

Evaluation process focuses on assessing the answers on three dimensions –




Focus on providing Answer sheet specific workable comments to aspirants so that they know specifically what fetched those marks and what didn’t work for them.

We have a tiered structure for evaluation of answer Sheets which provides multiple levels of assessment and cross checking to provide depth to the evaluation quality.

Kushmanda Academy’ s  virtual(LIVE,-Two Way)online learning program provides a convenient communication environment for distance learners just like traditional face-to-face classroom

A virtual classroom allows learners to attend a class from anywhere in the world and aims to provide a learning experience that is similar to a real classroom.

Provides you Online lectures. So that a large mass could be benefited.

This could help you to recall and learn according to your convenience. Whenever, wherever, you are you can attend online video classes .

We know that every exam is an examination which requires planning, devotion and a lot of hard work. To keep you motivated, planned and encouraged through out the process we want you to learn from what we have to share.

“Most Practicle, Simple, Focused ,Best & complete approach.”

Most Probable Questions Classes

“Exams are fast approaching. Work Smart:You have limited time and energy.”


STARTS : Admission Open


#Online Lecture

#Complete Study Material

#Test Series

#Doubt Classes

Fee : Rs 10000/-

payment link

HELPLINE: 8607570992,  9728926678

We have an edge over others in Distance Learning Programs through our unique teaching and learning techniques.

“Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level. You should not waste this opportunity for just a sake of only appearing the examination. Give this attempt with the full fire. So join us immediately.”

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HCS Hindi and Hindi Essay Online Course
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