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HCS CSAT TEST SERIES 2020 - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Thu, Jan 2nd, 2020


Target “100 Question” of HPSC CSAT HCS CSAT ONLINE TEST SERIES 2020

Preliminary Exam 2020

( Most Expected & Probable Questions Test Series)


 TOTAL TEST: 64 (3+25+31+5)

“The result will be prepared on the basis of Total Marks obtained by the candidates in both the papers i.e. General Studies and Civil Services Aptitude Test.”

1.GOAL: “100 Question” of HPSC CSAT Preliminary Exam 2020


The Test Series will help the candidates in framing out the real syllabus of the HPSC exam.


“The difficulty level of the test questions will be exactly that of HPSC. It will not be below that. It will not be way above that either, just to impress the candidates. Focus will not be just on testing the factual clarity. The logical standard of the questions will be high, which is the actual pattern of HPSC.”

4.Once an exam is over, aspirants get detailed solutions and all-Haryana ranks.

 TEST 1-Decision Making & Interpersonal Skills

 TEST -2 Comprehension passages are from a variety of subjects including Economy ,Psychology ,Politics , Administration , Management , Philosophy , History, Science ,Sociology, Ecology &Environment , Arts and fine Arts , Culture and Law.

TEST3- Statistics and Data Interpretation

 General mental ability & Basic numeracy

  1. TEST Number System
  2. TEST Divisibility/LCM and HCF/
  3. TEST Square and Square Root/Cube and Cube Root
  4. TEST Indices and Surds
  5. TEST Simplification
  6. TEST Average
  7. TEST Age Determination
  8. TEST Ratio and Proportion
  9. TEST Alligation
  10. TEST Partnership
  11. TEST Percentage
  12. TEST Profit and Loss
  13. TEST Discount
  14. TEST Simple Interest
  15. TEST Compound Interest
  16. TEST Time and Work
  17. TEST Work and Wages
  18. TEST Pipe and Cistern
  19. TEST Time and Distance
  20. TEST Boats and Stream
  21. TEST Sequence and Series
  22. TEST Algebra
  23. TEST Trigonometry
  24. TEST Geometry
  25. TEST Mensuration
  26. TEST Probability
  27. TEST Combination & Permutation

Logical reasoning and analytical ability

  1. TEST Analogy or Similarity
  2. TEST Coding-Decoding
  3. TEST Series
  4. TEST Classification
  5. TEST Blood Relationship
  6. TEST Direction and Distance
  7. TEST Ranking/Seating Arrangement
  8. TEST Word Formation
  9. TEST Arrangement of Words in Logical Order
  10. TEST Clock and Calender
  11. TEST Number Puzzle
  12. TEST Mathematical  Operations
  13. TEST Arithmetical Problems
  14. TEST Logical Venn-Diagram
  15. TEST Diagrammatic  Representation
  16. TEST Statement  &  Conclusions
  17. TEST Statement & Inferences
  18. TEST Statement & Assumptions
  19. TEST Address Matching
  20. TEST Matix
  21. TEST Conditions Letters, Numbers &  Symbols
  22. TEST Counting of Figures
  23. TEST Cubes and Dices
  24. TEST Grouping of Figures
  25. TEST Completion of Figures
  26. TEST Embedded Figures
  27. TEST Mirror & Water Images
  28. TEST Paper Folding & Cutting
  29. TEST Figural Series
  30. TEST Figural Analogy
  31. TEST Figural Classification
  32. FULL TEST 1
  33. FULL TEST 2
  34. FULL TEST 3
  35. FULL TEST 4
  36. FULL TEST 5

FEE:Rs 6000/‐

 PROGRAMME DURATION: Tests can be taken anytime till 25 FEB, 2020, after which the programme subscription will expire.

 SELF STUDY: The Test Series has been conceptualized and designed as a self‐study programme. Its aim is to fit the self‐study schedule of the aspirants who have completed their CSAT preparation.

 FLEXIBILITY: All tests can be taken ONLINE from anywhere.

 SOLUTIONS AND EXPLANATIONS: These will be made available after the completion of the tests.

The same explanatory material will also be available online for students who take the tests online.

“Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level. You should not waste this opportunity for just a sake of only appearing the examination. Give this attempt with the full fire. So join us immediately.”

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