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HCS 2023: Prelims Test Series - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Fri, Sep 23rd, 2022

HCS 2023: Prelims Test Series

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HCS 2023: Prelims Test Series

Mode : Online & Offline

Test Starts: 

9:00 AM to 11:00 AM





The Preliminary Test is by far the most challenging stage of the Civil Services Examination with nearly 5 lakhs candidates taking the test each year. GS Paper- 1 can’t be ignored or overlooked as it remains to deciding factor in the success of a candidate in the Preliminary Test. There is very little room for error in this stage owing to limited number of questions KUSHMANDA IAS-HCS ACADEMY Prelims Test Series has been designed in a way that questions will check your clarity of thought, conceptual understanding, and consistency in your preparation.



  • Our well designed test papers will focus on testing concepts as well as factual knowledge as per HPSC Pattern.
Features: Prelims Practice Program (PPP) #Batch Start -
  • MOCK TEST (GS & CSAT) – 16
  • MOCK TEST – 15
  • The sub-sectional tests have been designed in such a way that they will cover the entire syllabus of each subject. The questions on each sub-topic will bring more depth to your preparation and will give a sense of completion of the subject. The test will consist of 50 questions each.
  • The sectional tests will help you analyse your overall performance in each subject. The questions in these tests will a great mix of static along with current events associated with each subject. Each sectional test will be of 100 questions.
  • The current affairs tests will help in interlinking the current events with the static portion of the subject. The tests will contain 100 questions purely on current events.
  • The CSAT Tests are divided into three divisions having one test each on Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reading Comprehension. The test will consist of 50 questions.
  • The primary feature of the Mock Tests is that the tests are completely based on the HPSC pattern to give you a real-time environment of the examination and boost your preparation.
  • This programme holds a unique feature of test discussion of all the sub-sectional, sectional and current affairs tests.
  • The programme equips every aspirant with an opportunity to connect with our esteemed faculty through one-to-one discussion, doubt-clearing sessions and mentorship.
  • The programme is based on the 3-layer performance analysis which includes a test report, detailed analysis
Features: Complete Revision Test (CRT) #Batch Start -
  • Total 37 Tests:
  • The Fundamental tests have been designed in such a way that they will cover the entire syllabus of each subject. The questions on each sub-topic will bring more depth to your preparation and will give a sense of completion of the subject. The test will consist of 100 questions each.
  • The Revision tests will help you analyze your overall performance in each subject. The questions in these tests will a great mix of static along with current events associated with each subject. Each sectional test will be of 100 questions.
  • The primary feature of the Mock Tests is that the tests are completely based on the HPSC pattern to give you a real-time environment of the examination and boost your preparation.
  • This programme holds a unique feature of test discussion after fundamental and revision tests of each subject..
  • The programme equips every aspirant with an opportunity to connect with our esteemed faculty through one-to-one discussion, doubt-clearing sessions and mentorship.
  • The programme is based on the 3-layer performance analysis which includes a test report, detailed analysis


₹ 8500

Course Fee

HCS 2023: Prelims Test Series
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