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Haryana Naib Tehsildar Exam 2018: Online Live Classes On Phone & Laptop - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Tue, May 8th, 2018

Haryana Naib Tehsildar Exam 2018: Online Live Classes On Phone & Laptop

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Haryana Naib Tehsildar Exam 2018: Online Live Classes On Phone & Laptop
Haryana Naib Tehsildar Exam 2018: Online Live Classes On Phone & Laptop
Learning Made Simple
Kushmanda IAS HCS Academy provides a simple virtual learning program for the students who can’t come to the coaching and learn. Provides you Online lectures. So that a large mass could be benefited.
This could help you to recall and learn according to your convenience. Whenever, wherever, you are you can attend online video classes .
We know that Haryana Naib Tehsildar Exam is an examination which requires a lot of hard work, planning and devotion. To keep you motivated, planned and encouraged through out the process we want you to learn from what we have to share.
This year’s Haryana Naib Tehsildar Exam will be a different game altogether. A tough examination has became tougher as one has to attempt only the GS. In this light there are two pertinent questions which demand immediate answer:
1. What should be the right strategy to minimize the risk and maximize the possibility of qualifying the first stage?
2. How to manage time as one can’t leave PT preparation for the last minute and also can’t put all efforts for PT at the cost of GSMains, optional and gradual improvement of writing ability?
In light of the above questions one needs to understand that demand for Haryana Naib Tehsildar Exam is much different .
Haryana Naib Tehsildar Exam is more about range of information. But the point of issue is that there is no specific syllabus and demarcation line. This requires widespread knowledge both conceptually and factually. The whole process of content procurement for this stage has to be gradual even if one candidate is preparing from last 1,2 or 3 years. Along with it there is a misconception that in G.S aspirant has to just mug up the facts but unfortunately this mugging up can hardly help in clearing the exam. We have analyzed the new pattern and realized that preparation should be in much deep and micro level. Developing micro topic listing helps a lot in demarcating the possible boundary. We are also trying to do the same in our test series.
So my suggestion is simple just kick start your preparation of Exam .
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