Geography Foundation 2023
Geography Foundation 2023
Mode : Online & Offline
KUSHMANDA IAS-HCS ACADEMY Geography Optional Foundation program is a 4.5 months Intensive Classroom Programme with comprehensive coverage of syllabus in time bound manner along with Extensive coverage of Applied Geography topics mainly related to India Geography and Special focus on inculcating geographical thinking among the students. The overlapping with Geography in general studies makes geography optional highly popular among aspirants.
- 4.5 months Intensive Classroom Programme
- Comprehensive coverage of syllabus in time bound manner
- Special focus on inculcating geographical thinking among the students
- Extensive coverage of Applied Geography topics mainly related to India Geography
- Special Classes on Case Study Discussions related to India Geography
- Special Sessions on India Map Marking
- Meticulously designed Study Materials
- Discussion of Previous Years Question Papers to get an idea about changing dynamics of Geography Optional
- Intensive Answer Writing Skill Development through uniquely designed Test Series comprising of 16 Tests and having three Levels ( ie Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3) of Assessment
- Multidimensional Scientific Humanistic subject Easy for Doctor, Engineer & Arts Background Students
- Most preferred optional in HPSC Examination
- Overall it cuts down the time required to complete GS Syllabus
- It covers 25% Syllabus of GS Mains and 1/3rd of GS Prelims Question usually comes from Geography and Environment
- Ample scope for fetching good marks through Logical & Diagramatic Representation
- Quality study material is easily available
- At least one topic in Essay Paper is from Geography
About The Course
This course has been specially designed for those who are
- Interested in opting Geography as optional without Academic Background of the subjects.
- Having difficulties with the terms and definitions and its applicability in understanding the subject
- Even for those who have studied the subject but can not apply their information as per the requirements of the HPSC
- Studied the subject by their own and facing problem in writing standard answer.
Study Material
We will provide comprehensive study material for Geography optional. The nature of study material will be two fold, one which will work as supplementary material to class lectures and second will target on basic to strengthen your foundation.
The selection of suitable optional subject for Civil Services Examination is a delicate issue for many aspirants. The foremost criteria to choose an optional subject is based on interest of subject for aspirant and the optional having maximum convergence with GS syllabus S o that optional preparation should rather help in GS preparation instead of reducing time for the latter. As evident from past success stories Geography as optional subject in HPSC Mains has emerged to be the most reliable subject to qualify the HPSC with high rank.
Geography optional contains static portions such as Physical Geography along with very dynamic portions that can be linked to contemporary events such as disasters and their preparedness. The second paper in Geography optional is about Indian Geography that is based on the applied part of the first paper. Geography optional can be fruitful for prelims exam as well as for GS Mains paper too. In Prelims exam The topics that can be covered from the Geography optional include Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.
₹ 37000
Online Fee
₹ 42000
Offline Fee