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CURRENT AFFAIRS - Kushmanda Education CS Updates,India resultKushmanda Education
Published On: Wed, Jan 16th, 2013



1.The 23 year old student who was gang raped on amoving bus in delhi on December 16 died at mount Elizabeth hospital, Singapore. Police had initially charged against six men allegedly involved in gang rape under section 307 (attempt to murder), 201(destruction of evidence), 365(kidnapping or abducting), 376 (2) (g) (gang rape), 377(unnatural affences), 394(hurting in commiting robbery) and 34 (common intention) of Indian penal court.

What should be done  to take up radical reforms, ensure justice and reach out with robust public services to make women’s lives more safe and secure?

2.Who is the UN and Arab league envoy on Syria? Lakhdar Brahimi

3.‘Geneva plan’ (kofi annan’ 6 point plan)deals with Syria .

4.National water resource council is chaired by Prime Minister.

5.CAR crisis

African Union is prepared to deploy troops in CAR (Central African republic ) if all efforts to stabilise peace failed.

6.Beijing – China may require internet users to register with their real names when signing up to network providers,  extending a policy already in force with microblogs in a bid to curb what officials call rumours and vulgarity.China unveiled tighter internet controls , legalising the deletion of posts or pages which are deemed to contain “illegal” information and requiring service providers to hand over such information to the authorities for punishment.

China taking up things which somehow relate to national image too very seriously.. An emerginf super power nextdoor. We are no better off. People here are arrested for Facebook comments.

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