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CURRENT AFFAIRS - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Sat, Dec 8th, 2012


Booker prize 2012- Hilary mantel (british writer )won the booker prize 2012 for her novel “bring up the  bodies”. She is the third writer who won booker prize twice. J. M. Koatji and peter carey were other one. She had earlier won it in 2009 for “wolf hall”.

Hoover medal 2012 – V.Narayan murthy

Bangladesh award “FRIENDS OF LIBERATION WAR HONOUR” 2012 –Babu Jagjeevan Ram (former deputy prime minister of india)

Indira Gandhi national integration award  2012- Gulzar,lyricist

Indira Gandhi prize for peace , disarmament and development 2012-  Ellen Johnson sirleaf (Liberian president)

Sitara-e-imtiaz award – Gopichand narang

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