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Anthropology Optional Foundation 2023 - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Fri, Sep 23rd, 2022

Anthropology Optional Foundation 2023

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Anthropology Optional Foundation 2023








Anthropology as an optional justifies all essential ingredients, which an aspirant can think of, before choosing an optional- interesting, scoring, short syllabus, interdisciplinary etc. Over the years, it has become most sought after optional among the aspirants of HPSC because of number reasons: It revolves around ourselves (humans) and we can learn a lot of interesting things about ourselves. It is very easy, short and crisp, which can be easily covered holistically in 3 months. It is very scoring due to relative objectivity in syllabus and scientific nature. Anthropology uniquely blends sciences with social sciences and humanities, so it is equally suitable for aspirants from all backgrounds-whether they are from arts or humanities or engineering or medical.


Batch Starts: 12th October

5:00 PM to 7:30 PM



  • 3 Months course
  • Complete and comprehensive coverage of entire syllabus
  • Updated study material along with recent case studies
  • Innovative methodology and interlinking of Paper I and II
  • Learn the art of writing wonderful answers thorough daily assignments
  • Special emphasis on Paper II and Tribal India (which is rarely taught elsewhere)
  • Discussion on Previous year questions as well as expected questions
  • Test Series (8 Sectional Test +4 Mock Test)
  • Personalized mentorship



Anthropology as an optional justifies all essential ingredients, which an aspirant can think of, before choosing an optional- interesting, scoring, short syllabus, interdisciplinary etc. Over the years, it has become most sought after optional among the aspirants of HPSC because of number reasons:

1.Interesting: It is very interesting, as it revolves around ourselves (humans) and we can learn a lot of interesting things about ourselves.

2.Short Syllabus: It is very easy, short and crisp, which can be easily covered holistically in 3 months.

3.High Scoring: It is very scoring due to relative objectivity in syllabus and scientific nature.

4.Static Syllabus: Its static nature, which means we hardly have to update it with too many current affairs, so it will save time here too.

5.Straightforward Questions: The nature of questions asked in the examination are direct, so it becomes easy for the students.

6.Interdisciplinary: Anthropology uniquely blends sciences with social sciences and humanities, so it is equally suitable for aspirants from all backgrounds-whether they are from arts or humanities or engineering or medical.

7.Overlap with GS: It overlap with all papers in GS including essay and will be instrumental in interview.


₹ 37000

Online Fee

₹ 42000

Offline Fee



Anthropology Optional Foundation 2023
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