Punjab State Civil Services
Combined Competitive Main Examination
(i) The question paper consists of two parts I.e. Part A and Part B , each having four
(ii) Candidates are required to attempt five question in all.
(iii) Question no. 1 of part A and question no. 5 of part B are compulsory.
(iv) Candidates are required to answer three more questions out of remaining six
questions, selecting at least , one question from each part. In this way two questions
will be attemted from each part i.e. one compulsory question and one more question.
(v) All questions shall carry equal marks i.a. 20 marks each
1.Write short note on the following
(a) System of rice intensification
(b)Integrated weed management
(c)Agro forestry
(d) Watershed management
2.What do you understand by soil health? Describe different practices for maintenance of soil health.
3.Define fertilizer use efficiency (FUE).Describe different formulae used for calculation and expression of FUE and techniques for increasing FUE.
4. Describe defferent criteria used for scheduling of irrigation with advantages and ilmitations. List out the techniques for water use efficiency.
5. Write short note on the following
(a) Scope and characterstics of farm management in india
(b) Causes and consequences of different types land degradation
(c)Marketing channel and price spread for perishable commodities
(d) Importance and methods of technology transfer in agriculture
6. What do you mean by common pool resources? How adverse climatic factors affect the crop production and how this problem could be overcome? How different types of pollutants are hazardous to crops,animals,humen? How environmental pollution could be minimized?
7. Explain the agriculture policy of Union Government. Describe the structure and functioning of credit co-operatives engaged in agricultural development. Explain the genesis World Trade Organisation and significance of Intellectual property rights in agricultural development?
8.Describe the special features of rural employment generation programmes implemented by Union Government.What are the marits and demerits of farm mechanisation in india? Explain how training as a tool helps in transfer of technology in agriculture? What are the problems faced by agriculture extension workers involved in transfer of technology in india?