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Kushmanda’s IAS Mains 2015 / Most Advanced Distance Learning Program - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Tue, Oct 13th, 2015

Kushmanda’s IAS Mains 2015 / Most Advanced Distance Learning Program

Kushmanda’s IAS  Mains 2015  / Most Advanced Distance Learning Program

Above 200 kushmanda’ students(Distance Learning) QUALIFIED FOR MAINS  2015

“Now complete syllabus in Question answer format with THE HINDU NOTES (NOVEMBER 2014 to November 2015)

  • “Most Practicle, Simple, Focused ,Best & complete approach”
  • Coverage of of complete Syllabus.(GSI,II,III,IV)
  • Clarity in theories & Concepts to answer any given question more accurately.
  • Achieving the best possible score in General Studies Papers and stay ahead of most of your competitors.


                                      General Studies Paper I(free sample)

                                           World History

   TIME :THREE HOUR                                                MAX MARKS 250

Answer all questions in not more than 150 words each. Content of the answer are more important than its length. All question carry equal marks. 10*25

1.What were the ideals of the French Revolution of 1789? How far is it correct to say that it overthrew mercantilism and the surviving relics of feudalism and contributed to the political supremacy of the middle class?

2. “The comparison between Caviar’s and Bismarck’s achievements reveals ‘striking points of resemblance and no less striking points of dissimilarity.’

3.Explain the main features of the Technological Revolution and discuss its impact on society.

4.Trace the various stages that led to the Unification of Italy between 1848 and 1870.

5.What were the causes for the success of Bolshevik Revolution of 1917? Discuss its significance in the history of the world.

6.Theory of ‘The New imperialism’ after 1870.

7. ‘The Industrial Revolution put mobility in the place of stability.’

8. Lenin’s role in the Russian Revolution of 1917.

9.Give a critical account of the progress of merchantalism in the 17th century. How far is it correct to say that it paved the way for the Industrial Revolution?

10. ‘Napoleon kindled the national sentiment but German unity was achieved by Bismarck.’Discuss.

11.‘The American war of Independence transformed Europeans as well as America.’  Discuss.

12. The treaties made at the Paris Peace conference in 1919-20 were replete with unstable compromises, reflecting more materialism than idealism. Elucidate.

13.The writings of the philosophers had a tremendous influence on the minds of the people and created a revolutionary awakening in their minds and formed the intellectual creed of the French Revolution‛

14. “The bold knight, Lenin, havi ng rescued the fair maiden of the Revolution from the evil sorcerer, Kerensky, everyone lived happily hereafter.” Explain.

15.‘If imperialism is viewed as a phase of the struggle for power between States, its result must be judged in terms of its role in power politics.’ Discuss.

16. ‘It is one of the ironies of history that Napoleon was the creator of modern Germany.’  Discuss.

16.“What mattered in 1789- and what made men revolutionary almost in spite of themselves was the whole revolutionary situation’ ; and in producing that situ ation the work of the philosophers played no very important role.‛Elucidate.

17. ‚They have stopped me -from making Italy by diplomacy from the North, 1 will make it by revolution from the South.‛ explain.


18.Trace the growth of capitalism in Britain in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Why was France, as compared to Britain, late in developing the capitalist spirit and the institutional framework of capitalism?

19. Analyze the causes of the Russian Revolutions of 1917. Why was the second Revolution significant in more that one way?

20.‘Napoleon was the child of the Revolution, but in many ways he reversed the aims and principles of the movement from which he sprang ..” discuss.

21.‘The Unification of Germany was the one thing Bismarck was determined to prevent.’ Explain .

22. ‘The international situation that confronted the peacemakers in Pairs was in the brutal realities of history, the result of a temporary redistribution of the balance of power in the world.’explain

23.‚At the news of the Declaration of Independence crowds gathered to cheer, fire guns and cannon and ring church bells in Philadelphia. Boston and other places, but there were many people in America who did not rejoice‛.

24.Louis XIV’ was the first French sovereign to make of monarchy a serious profession.’ Explain.

25.The French Revolution (1789) really achieved far less than what it intended to effect. Do you agree?


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General Studies Paper I,II,III,IV:What you will get

  • Now complete syllabus in Question answer format with THE HINDU NOTES (NOVEMBER 2014 to November 2015) ( all study material can be revised in 20-30 days only.)
  • Detailed Answers of Every Question (Most Realistic Practice)
  • Expert Support(through email-
  • English Medium

 Now Total Fee- Rs 6000/-
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 Optional subjects also available(Kushmanda Distance Learning Programme)

  • Agriculture
  • Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
  • Anthropology
  • Botany
  • Chemistry
  • Commerce and Accountancy
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • History
  • Law
  • Management
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Science
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Political Science and International Relations
  • Psychology
  • Public Administration
  • Sociology
  • Statistics
  • Zoology

(Complete Syllabus Covered ,QUESTION-ANSWER FORMAT)“Most Practicle, Simple, Focused ,Best & complete approach”

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Kushmanda’s IAS Mains 2015 / Most Advanced Distance Learning Program
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