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UPSC Prelims & Main Exam Test Series - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education

UPSC Prelims & Main Exam Test Series

UPSC Prelims & Main Exam Test Series

IAS test series 2019


Target “100 Question” of UPSC Preliminary Exam 2019

 Most Expected & Probable Questions Test Series

(“Read Rvise Recall” Approach)


 The Test Series (TS) and Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) have been designed for improving candidates’ learning outcome. The goal is to help candidates:

1. EVALUATE what they have studied

2. LEARN about their strong and weak areas

3. REVISE and UPDATE their knowledge

4. Overall, AUGMENT their preparation towards the UPSC exam


The syllabus of General Studies given by UPSC is only indicative. The actual syllabus of this section is much more and the details can be explored only after combining the syllabus with the previous years’ questions to create all the possible DIMENSIONS from which the questions may be asked(Most Expected Questions). The Test Series will help the candidates in framing out the real syllabus of the UPSC exam.


By analyzing the latest trend of UPSC, we may find that it is just not asking questions from the news issues/ current issues which are very transient in nature, rather it uses them as the context to explore the core areas of General Studies relevant for a particular year’s exam and then it tests the conceptual understanding of the candidates from the same areas. Based on the same philosophy, we have developed our C3 (Current- Core- Concept) approach and designed our test series to help the candidates cover all the issues highly probable for the exam.


 The difficulty level of the test questions will be exactly that of UPSC. It will not be below that. It will not be way above that either, just to impress the candidates. Focus will not be just on testing the factual clarity. The logical standard of the questions will be high, which is the actual pattern of UPSC.


                                                      “Read Rvise Recall”:

The Test Series has been specifically structured to help students prepare cyclically for the exam. Each cycle gives candidates the chance to improve over the previous one and measure their progress. Each cycle, if treated as a  revision cycle, will gradually raise the preparation level of the candidates, giving them multiple revisions of the entire syllabus.

“Read Rvise Recall” cycle  1 :

The questions in this cycle will test the understanding of

the candidates on different themes of the exam .

Test 1      Environment + current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 2     POLITY(Constitution)+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 3    GEOGRAPHY+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 4    Economy+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 5     History+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 6       General Science+ Sc &Tech+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 7        India Year Book+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

 Test 8   Full Test


“Read Rvise Recall” cycle  2 :

 But  with a fresh set of test questions. Once

the candidates have gone through the First

Cycle, they will be in a position to easily identify

their weak areas for which they can prepare

and then they will again be given a chance in

the Second Cycle to test their strength.

 Test 9     Environment + current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 10  POLITY(Constitution)+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

 Test 11  GEOGRAPHY+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 12  Economy+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 13  History+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 14  General Science+ Sc &Tech+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

 Test 15   India Year Book+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

 Test 16   Full Test

“Read Rvise Recall” cycle  3 :

Test 17    Environment + current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 18 POLITY(Constitution)+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 19 GEOGRAPHY+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 20 Economy+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 21 History+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 22 General Science+ Sc &Tech+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

Test 23   India Year Book+ current affairs (last 12 months Hindu Paper)

 “Read Rvise Recall” cycle  4 :

 Test 24 Full Test

 Test 25  Full Mock Test


Programme Name Amount
Prelims Q&A 2019 Rs. 6700/-   (50% DISCOUNT FOR OLD STUDENTS)


PROGRAMME DURATION: Tests can be taken anytime till 1st  June 2019, after which the programme subscription will expire.

SELF STUDY: The Test Series has been conceptualized and designed as a self-study programme. Its aim is to fit the self-study schedule of the aspirants who have completed their GS preparation.

FLEXIBILITY: All tests can be taken ONLINE from anywhere.

SOLUTIONS AND EXPLANATIONS: These will be made available after the completion of the tests. The same explanatory material will also be available online for students who take the tests online.

“Making Good Decisions is A Crucial Skill at Every Level.” So join us Immediately.

Kushmanda IAS HCS Academy

100, BLOCK C, TDI CITY, Panipat,,

Helpline:8607570992, 9728926678

UPSC Prelims & Main Exam Test Series
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