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Category NATIONAL ISSUES Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education

Naib Tehsildar hp


Naib Tehsildar hp DOWNLOAD FREE STUDY MATERIAL ENGLISH ESSAY (NAIB TEHSILDAR) PROBABLE TOPICS CURRENT AFFAIRS EXPECTED TOPICS(NAIB TEHSILDAR, HIMACHAL PRADESH) Join new crash course programme (distance learning) for upcoming Naib Tehsildar Main Exam (Himachal Pradesh) General Knowledge & Current Affairs Paper General English English Essay Hindi What More...

by abhi | Published 4276 days ago
Freedom of Speech and Expression
By abhi On Friday, March 1st, 2013

Freedom of Speech and Expression

Freedom of Speech and Expression Expected question for Punjab state civil services/HCS/IAS MAIN EXAM 2013   Download Question Join new crash course programme (distance learning) for upcoming  Haryana civil More...

By abhi On Wednesday, December 19th, 2012


What is rape? It is a form of sexual sadism involving unlawful sexual penetration either by coercion, force, blackmail or under false promises. “I believe that whatever violates the integrity of a woman’s More...

By abhi On Thursday, December 6th, 2012

The Protection of Children from sexual offences (POCSO) ACT 2012

EXPECTED QUESTIONS FOR IAS/HCS/PUNJAB PCS/ALL COMPETITIVE EXAMS FROM THIS TOPIC   Protection of Children from sexual offences (POCSO) ACT 2012 Under this act has been tried to set up the standards of international More...

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