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Category CSAT/PAPER II Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education

Interpersonal Skills including Communication Skills

interpersonal skills

Interpersonal Skills including Communication Skills DOWNLOAD FREE STUDY MATERIAL for CSAT PAPER Click below and download free: interpersonal skills including communication skills    Join new crash course programme (distance learning) for upcoming  Civil services Preliminary Exam 2013 1.General Studies Paper I What you will get Study Material More...

by abhi | Published 4370 days ago
Decision Making and Problem Solving
By abhi On Friday, March 22nd, 2013

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Decision Making and Problem Solving CSAT PAPER Our video lectures on are free for all students. CSAT paper 2013 (Technologically Most advanced programme for civil services preparation) What More...

By abhi On Thursday, March 21st, 2013


Comprehension CSAT 2013 Our video lectures on are free for all students. CSAT paper 2013 (Technologically Most advanced programme for civil services preparation) What you will get: CDs of video More...

CSAT 2013
By abhi On Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

CSAT 2013

CSAT 2013 Analysis of CSAT Exam Our video lectures on are free for all students. CSAT paper 2013 (Technologically Most advanced programme for civil services preparation) What you will get: CDs More...

CSAT 2013
By abhi On Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

CSAT 2013

CSAT 2013 Analysis of CSAT 2013   CSAT 2013 CSAT 2013 (Technologically Most advanced programme for civil services preparation) What you will get: CDs of video lessons Study Material (Complete Syllabus, A More...

Decision Making and Problem Solving for CSAT
By abhi On Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Decision Making and Problem Solving for CSAT

Decision Making and Problem Solving for CSAT FOR FULL CSAT 2013 PROGRAM JOIN US IMMEDIATELY: You will get : Comprehensive study material (7 booklets,hindi/english medium) 30 test papers for practice (Most realistic More...

Decision Making and  Problem Solving
By abhi On Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Decision Making and  Problem Solving In simple words we can say: Decision Making is  a mental process in  which a particular course of action is selected after considering several alternatives. Problem solving More...

By abhi On Thursday, January 31st, 2013

CSAT solved paper 2012

CSAT solved paper 2012 Directions for the following 6 (six) items: Read the following two passages and answer the items that follow each passage. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only. Passage More...

By abhi On Monday, November 26th, 2012


QUESTIONS Q-1 Manish Chander felt,  he has  a very good idea for  improving the efficiency of his department. he asked his superior, Mr Chandan singh bangia , for a meeting and discussed the idea with him More...

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