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RAS 2013 - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Mon, Jun 24th, 2013

RAS 2013

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RAS 2013





(1) Scheme of examination: The Combined Competitive Examination will be held in two successive stages-

(i) Preliminary Examination, and

(ii) Main Examination

(i) Preliminary examination : The Preliminary Examination will consist of one paper on the subject specified below, which will be of objective type and carry a maximum of 200 marks. The examination is meant to serve as a screening test only. The Standard of the paper will be that of a Bachelor’s Degree Level. The marks obtained in the

Preliminary Examination by the candidates. who are declared qualified for admission to Main Examination will not be counted for determining their final order of merit.


 Note : Pattern of Questions Paper (For Preliminary examination) –

General Knowledge & General Science  Paper (200 marks)

1 There will be 150 Questions in the Question Paper.

2 All questions will carry equal marks.

3 There will be Negative Marking – 1/3 part of mark(s) of each question will be deducted for each wrong answer. (A wrong answer means an incorrect answer or more than one answers for any question. Leaving all the  relevant circles or bubbles of any question blank will not be considered as wrong answer.


(ii) Main examination: (a) The number of candidates to be admitted to the Main Examination will be 15 times the total approximate number of vacancies (category wise) to be filled in the year in the various Services and posts but in the said range all those candidates who secure the same percentage of marks as may be fixed by the Commission for any lower will be admitted to the Main Examination.

(b) The written examination will consist of the following four papers which will be descriptive/analytical. A candidate must take all the papers listed below which will also consist of question paper of brief, medium long answer and descriptive type questions. The standard of General Hindi and General English will be that of Sr. Secondary level. The time allowed for each paper shall be 3 hours.

Papers Maximum Marks

Paper I General Studies-I        200

Paper II General Studies-II     200

Paper III General Studies-III  200

Paper IV General Hindi and General English 200





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