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Punjab Preliminary Exam 2018: Walk into the exam hall with the confidence of a Gladiator - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education

Punjab Preliminary Exam 2018: Walk into the exam hall with the confidence of a Gladiator

Punjab Preliminary Exam 2018: Walk  into the exam hall with the confidence of a Gladiator

Gladiator Program for PPSC PRELIM 2018

Note:{GLADIATOR : (in ancient Rome) a man trained to fight with weapons against other men or wild animals in an arena}

  • We provides you Most Expected & Probable Questions with solutions so that you walk into the exam hall with the confidence of a Gladiator.
  • Practice & Revise Imp Questions before the PRELIMINARY EXAM 2018 .  Analyse  your attempted Questions and see where you went wrong, what you could have done better. Then do it. And them attempt more. (Never underestimate the power of repetition.)
  • Keep revising until you see the lines of the book in your dreams.
  • Remember solving questions correctly gets you over the line in prelims.


What you will get:

  • Most Expected & Probable Questions (Coverage of Whole Syllabus: Imp Questions on every single topic)
  • Complete Study Material
  • Expert Support ( through email
  • Medium:English

Fee:Rs 6000/-


What you will get:

  • Most Expected & Probable Questions (Coverage of Whole Syllabus: Imp Questions on every single topic)
  • Complete Study Material
  • Expert Support ( through email
  • Medium:English

Fee:Rs 3500/-

“Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level. So join us immediately. You should not waste this opportunity for just a sake of only appearing the examination. Give this attempt with the full fire.”

Fee has to be paid-by Cash on Delivery or NET BANKING(IMPS/NEFT) or Paytm(8607570992)0r  by DD/Cheque for the full amount favoring KUSHMANDA EDUCATION SERVICES PVT LTD  payable at PANIPAT . “Trust, quality and reliability , the bywords for KUSHMANDA EDUCATION SERVICES PVT LTD, will remain our guiding force for  both Preliminary as well as Main Exam.”

 How to send request: Only one single call on our helpline number 08607570992,09728926678


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“We have an edge over others in Distance Learning Programs through our unique teaching and learning techniques.”

Kushmanda  PCS Exam Academy lays great emphasis on Most Expected and Probable Questions.

  • Trust*,Faith**,and Hope***, are our hallmark.
  1. Trust*: Example of the feeling of a one year old baby. When you throw him in the air, he laughs because he knows you will catch him ( THAT IS TRUST ).
  2. Faith**: Once, all villagers decided to pray for RAIN, on the day of prayer all people gathered and only one boy came with an umbrella (THAT IS FAITH ).
  3. Hope***: Every night we go to bed without any of assurance of being alive the next morning but still we set the alarms in our watch to wake up (THAT IS HOPE ).

HELPLINE: 8607570992, 9728926678 

Punjab Preliminary Exam 2018: Walk into the exam hall with the confidence of a Gladiator
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