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PSCSCC MAIN EXAM 2012 General Studies STUDY MATERIAL-1 - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Mon, Dec 17th, 2012




 General Studies STUDY MATERIAL-1  (punjab g.k.)


Investment opportunities in Punjab


Agro based, food processing & beverages

Punjab is endowed with rich agricultural base and it is popularly known as wheat

basket of India. The state offers rich fertility, gamut of incentives and packages for

the growth of agricultural output and carry immense potential for setting up agro

based industrial units. The state is one of the leading producers of food grains and

contributes significantly to the nation’s food grain basket. The state has food park

located in Fatehgarh Sahib district. In order to speed up the investments, the state

has lowered its threshold limit for investment from Rs. 100 crore to Rs. 25 crore for

mega projects.



Auto parts industry

The state is a leading producer of bicycle and bicycle parts and it is also amongst the

major producer of tractor, auto and two‐wheeler parts. It also caters to the needs of

foreign auto market.



To facilitate biotech industries, state has provided special package of incentives

under its Biotech policy, 2006. Provision for setting up new biotechnology institutes

for research and development, creation of Punjab Biotech Promotion Board (PBPB)

to attract investments are the key initiatives taken up by the state. The state has

established Biotech park situated in Chandigarh to provide favorable environment.



Punjab has a distinguished tradition of art and culture. The state has set up Punjab

Small Industries & Export Corporation Limited to provide conducive environment and

support to develop small scale industries and to market the handicrafts products, the

corporation has opened a chain of emporia named as  Phulkariâ in major cities of



Information technology & knowledge industry

State government is highly focused on

developing necessary Infrastructure,

development of human capital, proactive engagement with investors and effective

policy implementation so as to create a conducive milieu for IT industry. The state

has offered a gamut of incentives under its IT policy. Special economic zone for IT

industry has been set up in Mohali. The state government is encouraging private

investment in the knowledge based industries. Land has been already acquired for

two self‐contained mixed use and integrated information technology and knowledge

industry parks spread over 1350 acres at Rajpura and 226 acres at village Jhall

Thikriwala in district Kapurthala. Electronics Township (ELTOP) has been established

at Mohali for promotion and growth of IT and electronics industry in the state.



The state has emerged as a hub for textile industry and has set up Apparel park at

Ludhiana.  Textile policy of the state offer a gamut of incentives such as creation of

infrastructure through cluster development, maximum utilization of Central

Government’s Technology Up‐gradation Fund Scheme (TUFS), reduction of electricity

duties and assistance in acquiring land for textile related projects. Northern India

Institute of Fashion Technology has been set up in Mohali for providing qualitative

manpower to textile industry. Ludhiana is known for its readymade garments,

woolen garments and hosiery goods.



Tourism industry has been accorded as one of the key thrust areas in the state. With

rich cultural tradition and heritage coupled with good infrastructure, the state has

emerged as one of the favorable tourist destination. The state has provided various

incentives under its Tourism policy such as tax incentives, single window clearance

facility and provision of loans for Tourism related projects. The government of

Punjab has set constituted the Punjab Heritage & Tourism Promotion Board under

chairmanship of Chief Minister.  The state government has allocated grant of Rs. 100

crore, for preservation and maintenance of heritage buildings in annual budget for

this fiscal.






The Government of Punjab has made several policy announcements, from time to time, for attracting investments into the State. These policies aims at facilitating the all round development of an economy by envisaging the investment incentives and schemes for the investors. They have been framed to provide the right kind of business climate in the State, so as to fully utilise the available resources; generate gainful employment and hence, improve the quality of life of the people of the  of Punjab, which has been announced in order to promote rapid industrial development in the State. The objectives of the policy are to:-

  • Create a conducive investment climate through infrastructure creation, reduced regulations and general facilitation;
  • Rrejuvenate and make competitive the existing industries, particularly the small scale sector through improved technology, product quality and marketing; and
  • Create a special thrust in the areas where Punjab has an edge in terms of cost and competitiveness.

This industrial policy mainly covers, power sector reforms; industry and business friendly tax administration; revival of sick small scale industrial units; industrial infrastructure development; measures for attracting new investment, etc.


Another important policy  , which aims to facilitate the use of IT for accelerating overall development of the State and making it a knowledge rich society, through creation of appropriate IT infrastructure as well as private sector participation. The objectives of the policy are to:-

  • Improve the overall economy of Punjab by generating moRe jobs, as well as domestic and export revenues and ensuring even spread of such benefits to one and all;
  • Create high value employment potential through human resource development in IT and related areas;
  • Make Punjab a favoured industry destination for attracting investment from outside the State by facilitating the creation of world class infrastructure, institutional framework and an enabling environment;
  • Provide citizen-centered governance which is efficient, effective, transparent, friendly, affordable, convenient and ensures full accountability of employees;
  • Make the State of Punjab globally competitive in the new globalisation, privatised and liberalized economy and changing business environment of the new millennium;
  • Turn Punjab into a smart and intelligent State as well as a knowledge society through IT education and e-governance.

The Government of Punjab has also evolved A TEXTILE POLICY OF PUNJAB with a view to facilitate the growth and development of textile industry in the State. The objectives of the policy are to:-

  • Facilitate the textile industry of State to attain and sustain a pre-eminent global standing;
  • Equip the industry to withstand pressure of import penetration and maintain a dominant presence in the domestic market;
  • Facilitate cluster formulation to promote collective efficiency of textile units by improving their business processes and support systems.

To achieve such objectives, the policy mainly focusses on areas like technology up-gradation; enhancement of productivity; quality consciousness; cluster development; strengthening of raw-material base; integrated human resource development and providing special benefits to the textile industry.

TOURISM of Punjab

It has also been formulated in order to develop tourism as the major industry in the State, by providing leadership and strategic directions as well as to improve the quality of the tourism products, both nationally and internationally. The objectives of the policy are to:-

  • Promote tourism in the State in such a way that it will contribute to the generation of employment, economic growth and particularly bringing the tourists closer to the culture of Punjab;
  • Develop places of interest in Punjab as tourist destinations;
  • Promote private sector participation in the development of tourism in the State;
  • Position Punjab on the tourist map of India for tapping the untapped potential of its various heritage monuments;
  • Implement tourist master plan prepared by Government of India for development of sustainable tourism;
  • Provide quality service to all domestic and international tourists;
  • Diversify and expand marketing of tourist potential of the State along with preserving the cultural monuments against any kind of decay;
  • Encourage people’s participation through tourism in the State.


The Government of Punjab has made several policy announcements, from time to time, for attracting investments into the State. These policies aims at facilitating the all round development of an economy by envisaging the investment incentives and schemes for the investors. They have been framed to provide the right kind of business climate in the State, so as to fully utilise the available resources; generate gainful employment and hence, improve the quality of life of the people of the State.INDUSTRIAL POLICY ofPunjab, which has been announced in order to promote rapid industrial development in the State. The objectives of the policy are to:-

  • Create a conducive investment climate through infrastructure creation, reduced regulations and general facilitation;
  • Rrejuvenate and make competitive the existing industries, particularly the small scale sector through improved technology, product quality and marketing; and
  • Create a special thrust in the areas where Punjab has an edge in terms of cost and competitiveness.

This industrial policy mainly covers, power sector reforms; industry and business friendly tax administration; revival of sick small scale industrial units; industrial infrastructure development; measures for attracting new investment, etc.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICY OF PUNJAB  , which aims to facilitate the use of IT for accelerating overall development of the State and making it a knowledge rich society, through creation of appropriate IT infrastructure as well as private sector participation. The objectives of the policy are to:-

  • Improve the overall economy of Punjab by generating more jobs, as well as domestic and export revenues and ensuring even spread of such benefits to one and all;
  • Create high value employment potential through human resource development in IT and related areas;
  • Make Punjab a favoured industry destination for attracting investment from outside the State by facilitating the creation of world class infrastructure, institutional framework and an enabling environment;
  • Provide citizen-centered governance which is efficient, effective, transparent, friendly, affordable, convenient and ensures full accountability of employees;
  • Make the State of Punjab globally competitive in the new globalisation, privatised and liberalized economy and changing business environment of the new millennium;
  • Turn Punjab into a smart and intelligent State as well as a knowledge society through IT education and e-governance.


TEXTILE POLICY OF PUNJAB with a view to facilitate the growth and development of textile industry in the State. The objectives of the policy are to:-

  • Facilitate the textile industry of State to attain and sustain a pre-eminent global standing;
  • Equip the industry to withstand pressure of import penetration and maintain a dominant presence in the domestic market;
  • Facilitate cluster formulation to promote collective efficiency of textile units by improving their business processes and support systems.

To achieve such objectives, the policy mainly focusses on areas like technology up-gradation; enhancement of productivity; quality consciousness; cluster development; strengthening of raw-material base; integrated human resource development and providing special benefits to the textile industry.

TOURISM POLICY of Punjab has also been formulated in order to develop tourism as the major industry in the State, by providing leadership and strategic directions as well as to improve the quality of the tourism products, both nationally and internationally. The objectives of the policy are to:-

  • Promote tourism in the State in such a way that it will contribute to the generation of employment, economic growth and particularly bringing the tourists closer to the culture of Punjab;
  • Develop places of interest in Punjab as tourist destinations;
  • Promote private sector participation in the development of tourism in the State;
  • Position Punjab on the tourist map of India for tapping the untapped potential of its various heritage monuments;
  • Implement tourist master plan prepared by Government of India for development of sustainable tourism;
  • Provide quality service to all domestic and international tourists;
  • Diversify and expand marketing of tourist potential of the State along with preserving the cultural monuments against any kind of decay;
  • Encourage people’s participation through tourism in the State.




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