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IAS I IPS | HCS Test Series 2022 - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Mon, Jan 10th, 2022

IAS I IPS | HCS Test Series 2022

IAS I IPS | HCS Test Series 2022



                          HCS Prelims Test series schedule & Timings:




Paper Code


Topics covered (The list is indicative to help students; however, it is not exhaustive)




Indian Polity & Constitution- Part 1 and Current Affairs

▪ System of government as established by the Constitution

▪ Indian Constitution: Historical Underpinnings, Evolution & Making of the Constitution, Features, Significant Provisions

▪ The Preamble

▪ The Union and its Territory

▪ Citizenship

▪ Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles & Fundamental Duties

▪ Amendment of Constitution

▪ Basic Structure of the Constitution

▪ Emergency Provisions





Indian Polity & Constitution- Part 2 and Current Affairs ▪ Central Government: President, Vice President, Prime minister, Central Council of Ministers

▪ Parliament and State Legislature

▪ State Government: Governor, Chief Minister, State Council of Ministers

▪ Indian Federalism and Centre-State Relations ▪ Local Government: Panchayati Raj, Local Urban Government

▪ Judiciary: Supreme Court, High Courts, Subordinate Courts

▪ Elections

▪ Constitutional & Non Constitutional Bodies




Geography -1: Physical Geography of India and the World and Current Affairs Physical Geography of the world

▪ Solar System & the Earth and basics of latitude and longitude

▪ Geomorphology

▪ Climatology

▪ Oceanography

▪ Biogeography

▪ Natural Hazards and Disasters

▪ Continents (Land, Climate, Resources etc.): Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia

Physical Geography of India

▪ Introduction: Location, Area and Boundaries

▪ Structure and Relief: Physiographic Divisions

▪ Drainage System

▪ Weather, Climate and Seasons

▪ Soils

▪ Natural Vegetation, Plant and Animal Life




Geography -2: Social, Economic Geography of India and the World and Current Affairs Economic and Human Geography – World

▪ Economic Geography of the world: primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary and quinary activities

▪ Human Geography of world

▪ World Population, Distribution & Density, Races & Tribes, Settlement & Migration Economic and Human Geography – India

▪ Agriculture

▪ Land Resources

▪ Water Resources

▪ Mineral and Energy Resources

▪ Industries

▪ Transport and Communication

▪ Foreign Trade

▪ Population, Migration, Settlements




History of India and Current Affairs Ancient History, Art & Culture and Medieval India




Indian National Movement and Current Affairs Modern India




Indian Economy- Part 1 and Current Affairs ▪ National Income Accounting: Definition and Concepts: GDP, GNP etc.

▪ Measurement of national income Money and Banking

▪ Function of Money, Evolution of Money etc.

▪ Banking: Need of Banks, Functions, Types, Banking Reforms, Central Bank and its role ▪Inflation and Employment: Definition, types etc.

▪ Government Budgeting and Fiscal Policy: Budgeting, types, its evolution in India, Process, Component etc.

▪ Public finance, Revenue and Expenditure, Deficits, Taxes, Debts etc.

▪ Capital Market: Terms and Concepts




Indian Economy- Part 1 and Current Affairs ▪ Agriculture ▪ Industry ▪ Services

▪ Infrastructure and Communication

▪ Five year Plans

▪ Economic Reforms since 1991

▪ Foreign Trade

▪ India and IMF, WTO, WIPO

▪ India and International Institutions

▪ IPRs External Sector and Currency Exchange rates

▪ BoP, BoT, International trade, IMF, WTO, Trade policies, issues and challenges etc




General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change – Part 1 and Current Affairs ▪ Basic Concepts & Components of the Environment

▪ Understanding of the Environment and Ecology

▪ Biodiversity




General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change  – Part 2 and Current Affairs ▪ Environmental Monitoring and Impact Assessment

▪ Environmental laws and policies

▪ Sustainable Development

▪ Natural Resource conservation

▪ Environmental Problems

▪ Energy Crisis and Non-Conventional Source




General Science and Current Affairs ▪ Physics

▪ Chemistry

▪ Biology

▪ Applied Science




Haryana GK & Haryana Current ▪ Comprehension

▪ Logical reasoning and analytical ability

▪ Decision making and problem solving

▪ Basic numeracy(Class X level)

▪ Data interpretation(Class X level)








General Studies Paper 1 (COMPLETE SYLLABUS)




General Studies Paper 1 (COMPLETE SYLLABUS)








General Studies Paper 1 (COMPLETE SYLLABUS)




General Studies Paper 1 (COMPLETE SYLLABUS)




General Studies Paper 1 (COMPLETE SYLLABUS)




General Studies Paper 1 (COMPLETE SYLLABUS)








General Studies Paper 1 (COMPLETE SYLLABUS)






  • Your Exam  Centre for offline test series:

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  • For online test series: download kushmanda ias hcs academy app

FEE: Rs 6000/-

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