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How to read The Hindu - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Sun, Mar 15th, 2015

How to read The Hindu

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How to read The Hindu

Kushmanda’s “How to read THE HINDU” (Distance Learning Programme)

Kushmanda IAS view on Latest UPSC Papers Trend/Pattern.

UPSC keeps an eye on all the study material released by prominent coaching classes of delhi (Photostate/xerox  material in mukherjinagar etc,Delhi ), to make sure no questions are asked from such material.(last 2 years analyses)

UPSC significantly changed the question pattern/trend in 2013,2014’s preliminary paper/main papers, most senior players were shocked and caught unguarded. UPSC is trying not to fix a permanent trend/ pattern (last 2 years analyses). Competition is tough and exam is not friendly to anyside, anymore, whether you’re a coaching/no-coaching/first timer/senior player…you too should adapt and study hard.


  1.  Was Indian ruler Tipu Sultan a false hero? Critically Examine. ((Most Expected for IAS Main 2015 & IAS Interview  2014)(MARCH 13,2015.THE HINDU,PAGE 16, Tipu sultan arms….)
  2. Is it hard for clean politicians to survive in Today’s Indian politics? If you had to nominate an individual who best represents India, its culture, educational system, intelligence, values, overall genius etc — who would it be? (Most Expected IAS Interview  2014)(MARCH 13,2015.THE HINDU,PAGE 1, Article :Marching for Manmohan….)
  3. What do you understand by hindutva? Why  Hindutva is a rising phenomenon in India? (Most Expected for IAS Main 2015 & IAS Interview  2014)(MARCH 13,2015.THE HINDU,PAGE 1, Article :TV channel targeted….)
  4.  Explain the main reforms that Government of India trying to bring in by new insurance bill?discuss  the impact of insurance bill on FDI? (Most Expected for IAS Main 2015 & IAS Interview  2014)(MARCH 13,2015.THE HINDU,PAGE 1, Article :Insurance Bill….)
  5.   What is the procedure of the appointment of high court judges? Should the high court and supreme court judges in India have more constitutional protection? (Most Expected for IAS Main 2015 & IAS Interview  2014)(MARCH 13,2015.THE HINDU,PAGE 2Article :New HC judge takes oath….)
  6.   “Rajendra Chola is not more (or as) famous as his father Raja Raja Chola, though he had captured a vast land and built a temple as well?”critically examine. (Most Expected for IAS Main 2015 & IAS Interview  2014)(MARCH 13,2015.THE HINDU,art & culture PAGE)
  7.    What do you understand by “blue water navies”.In the world of Navies,  which nations right now are considered to have  “Blue Water” navies? Examine India’s Growing Blue Water Capabilities? (Most Expected for IAS Main 2015 & IAS Interview  2014)(MARCH 13,2015.THE HINDU,PAGE1 article: a blue water vision..) 
  8.     Describe the differences between Indian music and the Western music?Examine  why Carnatic/ Hindustani music  is  respected but  not popular enough? (THE HINDU , 13 Art & Culture Page , Article :Musical Treasure….)
  9.     How many national parks in India? What are the advantages to privatizing national parks?   ( (Most Expected for IAS Main 2015 & IAS Interview  2014)(MARCH 13,2015.THE HINDU,PAGE16, rhino numbers…)
  10. Critically examine the impacts of ‘Make in India’ to the Indian IT industry? (THE HINDU , 13 MARCH )

Now more Questions from THE HINDU Only:  4-5 questions/day or 120-150 questions/month for IAS Main Exam 2015. ( Total 1500-1800 Questions & their model answrs ,from November 2014 to November 2015), Fee:Rs 6000/-Only.

Now more Questions from THE HINDU Only: 8-10 questions/day or 240-300 questions/month for IAS Prelim Exam 2015. ( Total 2500-3000 Questions(mcq) & their answrs ,from August 2014 to July 2015), Fee:Rs 6000/-Only.

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