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HCS Prelims Test 1: 17th December, 2017 Environment - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Sun, Dec 17th, 2017

HCS Prelims Test 1: 17th December, 2017 Environment

HCS Prelims Test 1:  17th  December, 2017  Environment

Most Expected Questions

1.Which of the following is not a bioplastic

a) Polylactic acid

b) Polyvinylchloride

c) Polycaprolactone

d) Polyhydroxybutyrate

2. Which was absent in the atmosphere at the time of origin of life?

a) NH3

b) H2

c) O2

d) CH4.

3. Which of the following is closest relative of man?

a) chimpanzee

b) gorilla

c) orangutan

d) gibbon.

4.Which one of the following is a CFC refrigerant?

a)     R 744

b)     R 290

c)      R 502

d)     R 718

5.Which of the following committees are related to the conservation of ecology of Western Ghats?

1. P.J. Nayak Committee

2. Y.V. Reddy Committee

3. Kasturi Rangan Committee

4. Madhav Gadgil Committee

a)     1&2

b)     3&4

c)      1&3

d)     1&4

6.  Where was the first fluorescent frog in the world discovered?

a)     Santa Monica

b)     Santa Ana

c)      Santa Barbara

d)     Santa Fe

7. The change of the lighter-coloured variety of peppered moth (Biston betularia) to its darker variety (Biston carbonaria) is due to

a) mutation

b) regeneration

c) genetic isolation

d) temporal isolation.

8. Which of the following is an example of ‘living fossils’?

a) Pinus

b) Riccia

c) Gnetum

d) Ginkgo.

9. The first domesticated animal by primitive man was

(a) cat

(b) cow

(c) dog

(d) horse.

10.The   Ganga River Cleaning program has been collaborating with Germany. Germany has been known for cleaning which of its river?

a. Danube

b. Rur

c. Rhine

d. All of the above

11. In which era reptiles were dominant?

(a) coenozoic era

(b) mesozoic era

(c) palaeozoic era

(d) archaeozoic era.

12.Which country is home to the world’s largest Rhino population?

a)     India

b)     South Africa

c)      Kenya

d)     Malaysia


13.According to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), which particulate size in diameter (in micrometers) of the air pollutants is responsible for greatest harm to human health?

a)     5.2 – 2.5

b)     2.5 or less

c)      1.5 or less

d)     1.0or less


14.BOD is connected with

a)     Microbes

b)     Organic matter

c)      Microbes and organic matter

d)     None of these


15.Country’s first tiger cell will be formed under WII at which city?

a. Jaipur

b. Ranthambore

c. Dehradun

d. None of the above

16.How many bio-geographical regions are present in India?

a)         3

b)        4

c)         7

d)        10

17. In context of environment, the term “dirty dozen” refers to

a) 12 most harmful greenhouse gases

b) 12 ozone depleting substances

c) 12 persistent organic pollutants

d) none of the above

18.In which state does the central government of India first launched survey on Gangetic Dolphins?

a)     Uttar Pradesh

b)     Bihar

c)      West bengal

d)     Odisha

19.Which of the following place is famous for world’s largest known rookery of Olive Ridley sea turtle?

a)     Chandipur beach

b)     Gahirmatha beach

c)      Chandrabhaga beach

d)     Astaranga beach

20.An Ecologically Sensitive Area (ESA) :

1. is notified by State Government under state legislations

2. is supposed to be entirely free from Human interference

3. is regulated with due consideration to local contexts

Which among the above is / are correct statements?

a)     Only 1 & 3

b)     Only 2 & 3

c)      Only 3

d)     1, 2 & 3

21. 1st life on earth was

a) cyanobacteria

b) chemohetrotrophs

c) autotrophs

d) photoautotrophs.

22. NGT Tribunal has banned the use of non biodegradable plastic bags less than ____ microns in the entire capital city of Delhi.

a)     50

b)     60

c)      70

d)     80

23.NGT has banned kite strings made of which material?

a. Nylon

b. Plastic

c. Any synthetic material

d. All of the above

24.NGT has banned open defecation and dumping of wastes in the floodplains of which river?

a. Yamuna

b. Ganga

c. Godavari

d. Mahanadi

25.In which pilgrimage towns National Green Tribunal (NGT) imposed a complete ban on plastic bags ?

a. Gaya & Ujjain

b. Haridwar & Rishikesh

c. Ujjain & Haridwar

d. Rishikesh & Gaya


26.The ‘Sendai Framework” is related to

a) global warming

b) ozone depletion

c) disaster management

d) biodiversity conservation


27.National Institute of Oceanography is located at

a)     Panaji (Goa)

b)     Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)

c)      Pune (Maharashtra)

d)     Nagpur (Maharashtra)

27.Which is the most common chemical used in cloud seeding?

a)     Potassium bromide

b)     Silver iodide

c)      Potassium chloride

d)     Magnesium iodide

28.The following is (are) the volatile fuel(s).

a)     Petrol

b)     Alcohol

c)      Benzol

d)     All of the above

29.Which of the following was awarded with GI tag?

1. Dharwad Pedha

2. Tirupathi Laddu

3. Hyderabadi Haleem

4. Bengal Rasagolla

a. 1 and 2

b. 1,2,4

c. 2,3

d. 1,2,3

30.For the survival of fish in a river stream, the minimum dissolved oxygen is prescribed

a)     3 PPm

b)     4 PPm

c)      5 PPm

d)     10 ppm.

31..Which one of the following is

associated with the issue of control and

phasing out of the use of ozonedepleting


a) Bretton Woods Conference

b) Montreal Protocol

c) Kyoto Protocol

d) Nagoya Protocol

32. ‘BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustain-able Forest Landscapes’ is managed by the

a)     Asian Development Bank

b)     International Monetary Fund

c)      United Nations Environment Programme

d)     World Bank

33.Which one of the following is the national aquatic animal of India?

a) Saltwater crocodile

b) Olive ridley turtle

c) Gangetic dolphin

d) Gharial

34.What is Rio+20 Conference, often mentioned in the news?

a) It is the United nations Conference on Sustainable Development

b) It is a Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization

c) It is a Conference of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change

d) It is a Conference of the Member Countries of the Convention on Biological Diversity

35.Which one of the following is the best description of the term “ecosystem”?

a) A community of organisms interacting with one another

b) That part of the Earth which is inhabited by living organisms

c) A community of organisms together with the environment in which they live.

d) The flora and fauna of a geographical area.

36..What is the difference between the antelopes Oryx and Chiru?

a)     Oryx is adapted to live in hot and arid areas whereas Chiru is adapted to live in steppes and semi-desert areas of cold high mountains. .

b)     Oryx is poached for its antlers whereas Chiru is poached for its musk.

c)      Oryx exists in western India only whereas Chiru exists in north-east India only.

d)     None of the statements a, b, and c given above is correct.

37.Regarding “carbon credits”, which one of the following statements is not correct?

a.         The carbon credit system was ratified in conjunction with the Kyoto Protocol

b.         Carbon credits are awarded to countries or groups that have reduced greenhouse gases below their emission quota

c.          The goal of the carbon credit system is to limit the increase of carbon emission quota

d.         Carbon credits are traded at a price fixed from time to time by the United Nations Environment Programme.



HCS PT Test Series 2018 : 17th  Dec, 2017


  • Our well designed test papers will focus on testing concepts as well as factual knowledge as per HPSC Pattern
  • Total Tests – 27 (online/offline)
  • Programme is divided as

a. Sub-sectional Tests
b. Sectional Tests
c. Haryana Current Affairs
d. Full Mock tests

Courses & Fee Details

Programme Name Amount
Prelims Q&A 2018 Rs. 7,500/- (+ GST)

Test 1   17th  December, 2017  Basic concepts in Environment

Ecology & Biodiversity basic concepts + Climate Change + Environmental Governance

Test 2 22nd  December, 2017 Basic Concepts in Economy
Basic concepts as National Income,Money, Banking and other provisions+Financial Market + Budgeting +Fiscal and Monetary Policy +Economic Survey + Budget)

Test 3 27th  December, 2017Basic Constitutional Provisions
Historical Background + Preamble + FR + DPSP + FD+Executive + Legislature + Judiciary)
Test 4 1st  January, 2018 Haryana Current Affairs

(Haryana Current Affairs (Oct + Nov + Dec))

Test 5 6th  January, 2018 Physical Geography
(Geomorphology + Indian Physical Geography + Climatology + Oceanography + Water resources)

Test 6 11th  January, 2018, Haryana GK

Test 7 16th  January, 2018  Human & Economic Geography
Demography + Human Geography + Census + Mineral + Energy + Transport + Industry

Test 8  21st  January, 2018  Biology & Recent Development Biology in S &T
Biology + Biotechnology + Health in S &T + Space + Defence + Nuclear + Institutions + IT + Telecom + Nano + Robotics + Electronics)

Test 9 26th  January, 2018Current Affairs

(Current Affairs (Oct,2017-January, 2018))

Test 10 31st  January, 2018  Socio-Economic development and Institutions
(External Sector + International Institutions + Socio Economic Development + Welfare schemes)

Test 11 5th February, 2018  Biogeography and Resource Management
(Land + Forest + Agriculture + Livestock + Fisheries + Natural resource degradation and management)

Test 12 11th February, 2018 Governance and other features
(Policies + Governance + Reforms + Bills+Other Constitutional Provisions)

Test 13 21st  February, 2018 Haryana Current Affairs

Current Affairs (Jan 2017-Sept, 2017)

Test 14 26th  February, 2018Medieval and Modern India

(Medieval History + Modern History)

Test 15 3rd  March, 2018Ancient History & culture

(Indian Culture + Ancient History)

Test 16 8th  March, 2018Sectional Test

(Ecology and Environment)

Test 17 13th  March, 2018Sectional Test


Test 18 18th  March,2018Sectional Test

(Polity and Governance)

Test 19 23rd  March,2018Sectional Test


Test 20 28th March,2018Current Affairs

(Current Affairs )

Test 21 3rd  April,2018Sectional Test

Indian Economy

Test 22 5th  April, 2018Sectional Test


Test 23 8th April, 2018Sectional Test

Haryana GK

Test 24 10th  April ,2018Mock Test

Full Mock 1

Test 2511th April ,2018Mock Test

Full Mock 2

Test 26 12th  April,2018Mock Test

Full Mock 3

Test 27 13th  April,2018Mock Test

Full Mock 4

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