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HCS Preliminary Exam 2018:Free Guidance Seminar - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Thu, Dec 21st, 2017

HCS Preliminary Exam 2018:Free Guidance Seminar

HCS Preliminary Exam 2018:Free Guidance Seminar



Kushmanda IAS HCS Academy

With an Aim to create Awareness among the Youth of India about HCS Exam and its pattern, Managing Director of Kushmanda IAS Academy, Abhi Sir has initiated the activity by conducting “Free Guidance Seminar”.

The main idea behind this is to reach all the Stuents and provide them proper guidance about what exactly HPSC is and how one can enter the BUREAUCRACY through this exam. Here in Kushmanda IAS HCS Academy we conduct a Free Guidance Seminar every Sunday at our  Academy which is conducted by our Managing Director, Abhi Sir. Every seminar conducted is highly informative, where students get to know the core essence of HPSC exam and its latest pattern.

Students are informed about the various stages of the exam and how Kushmanda IAS HCS Academy helps them to achieve their goal to join INDIAN BUREAUCRACY. Kushmanda IAS HCS Academy has conducted many seminars till date in which thousands of Students  have taken part and the response has been so overwhelming due to the quality of information they have acquired in the seminar.

All the Seminars Conducted in Kushmanda IAS HCS Academy are well covered by the Media, which is also helping us a lot in our mission to spread awareness about HPSC in a wide range.

We invite all of you to be a part of the “Free Guidance Seminar” by just registering your name through call on our numbers or our website and we will contact you about the details about the seminar.

HELPLINE:01806539177, 8607570992,9728926678

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