HCS Preliminary Exam 2016-17 Paper –II(CSAT) Free Questions Download
HCS Preliminary Exam 2016-17 Paper –II(CSAT) Free Questions Download
1 . Your senior officer has assigned you the work
of improving communi c a t i on i n your
organisation. Most of the latest circulars are
poorly drafted. You will….
(a) Take help of a college teacher to improve
upon the language of your subordinates.
(b) Ask your subordinate to use dictionary to
choose appropriate wor ds in their
(c) Personally draft all letters, circular and
different correspondences.
(d) Personally review those communications
that have implications to common people.
2 . Village Panchayat finds several irregularities in
a wage employment scheme including under
payment, irregular payment, etc. In order to
solve the problem it should…
(a) Open bank ac c ount of i ndi vi dua l
beneficiaries and avail on line payment
(b) Ensure every work to be measured well in
time and sufficient funds are available in
bank accounts and labours avail banking
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ above.
(d) None of the above.
3 . In a town on main road there happens a
number of accidents regularly. In order to solve
the problem a senior police official should….
(a) Order for speed brakers almost every half
kilometer of road.
(b) Fi x up s pee d l i mi t s f or vehi c l e s and
enforcing it.
(c) Warn the people to be vigilant and avoid
(d) All the above.
4 . A fifteen year old child has lost both of his
parents and has none to look after. It he is not
as s i s t ed, he wi l l ha ve t o di s c ont i nue hi s
education. You are an administrative officer. If
the child approaches you for help you will….
(a) Arrange him a part time job in a business
establishment so that the child could take
care of himself and his study.
(b) Employ him in your own office and ask
him to continue his study.
(c) Keep him into your house and will bear all
of his expense.
(d) Ask an NGO to take care of him.
5 . A house owner is not maintaing his house for
the last 10 yrs and the tenant finds so many
inconvenience. In fact the house owner wants
that under the given situation, tenant will vacate
the house. The tenant has no alternatives and
has to continue into the house. He should…
(a) Request once more to do the maintenance
work as per rent agreement.
(b) He s houl d appr oac h a c i vi l c our t f or
redressal of his grievances.
(c) Get the necessary maintenance done by
making suitable deductions from rent.
(d) Should continue to live as before.
6 . There is a fair price shop dealer who is very
irregular in opening his shop. He also charges
a pr e mi um on var i ous c ommodi t i e s . A
consumer should….
(a) Approach a Di st t . Consumer Form for
redressal of his grievances.
(b) Meet an administrative officer who has
issued him the license of fair price shop
and make a formal complaint.
(c) Make an application before local Panchayat
for redressal.
(d) Warn the owner of fair price shop of serious
7 . There is an important project which has to be
completed definitely within a month. Before
ass i gni ng t he s pec i f i c r es ponsi bi l i t y, eac h
member has to receive a three day intensive
training for a particular discipline. You will….
(a) Train each of the member in two discipline.
(b) Train each of the member in one discipline
and a two day leave to relax.
(c) Besides training each of them, will go for
their health check up.
(d) Prefer on the job traning.
8 . You have joined in an organization as chief
executive officer. The organization has been
c r ea t e d f or i ndus t r i a l de ve l opment of a
par t i c ul ar a r e a . I n or de r t o mot i vat e t he
workforce and streamline the functioning of the
organization you will…..
(a) Train your workforce so that they could
understand some of the good techniques of
some of the key industries.
(b) Mot i vat e your wor ker s and of f i c er t o
priorities grievance redressal.
(c) Ta ke e f f e c t i ve s t e ps t o de vel op ke y
i nf r a s t r uc t ur e t o f a c i l i t a t e i ndus t r i a l
devel opment a nd as k your peopl e t o
facilitate the process.
(d) Look for corruption related issues.
9 . You are incharge of the marketing segment of
a public sector enterprise which manufactures
certain commodity for public use. In order to
boost the marketing, you will…..
(a) Ensure that price of the commodity should
be reasonable and cheaper.
(b) Gi ve pri ori t y t o cus t omer care f aci l i t y
including training your work force.
(c) Go f or bi g a dver t i s eme nt s i nc l udi ng
advertisement through print and electronic
(d) Adopt the practice of wait and watch and
advi ce your subordi nat es t o st udy t he
10. You have t o i ns pe c t a n of f i c e of your
subordinate, who is personally hard working
and sincere but little careless in the management
of his office. You should……
(a) Re pr i mand your s ubor di na t e of f i c e r
publicly to mend his way.
(b) Advi c e your s ubor di na t e t o de vot e
considerable time on office to set the things
in order.
(c) Look only brighter side of the officer and
praise his work to boost his morale.
(d) Fix up responsibility on the other official
and direct your subordinate to be careful.
11. You have joined in a new organization which
has j ust been creat ed. In order to run t he
organization, certain things are quite essential,
hence you will……
(a) Immediately purchase a photocopies and a
fax machine.
(b) Purchase a vehicle, so that you could move
frequently according to demand.
(c) Appoi nt s ome of f i c e guar ds be c aus e
security of the office is very essential.
(d) Appoint a cashier cum accountant, because
this is extremely essential for running an
12. You are head of a raiding party that has been
assigned the work of raiding a business premises
of a private organization you notice that one of
your subordinate has devel oped some soft
attitude towards the businessman. You will….
(a) Reprimand him on the spot and ask him to
reform himself.
(b) Make a formal complaint against him to
the chief of the organization.
(c) Closely watch him, take away his work
and assign him some insignificant work.
(d) Ignore him as nothing has happened.
13. You are a senior civil officer of a district and
has to address senior bank officers of the district
r ei t e r a t i ng gove r nme nt c ommi t me nt of
f i na nc i ng s e l f e mpl oyment s c he me s . The
meeting has been called in the back ground of
the very poor performance of the banks in this
regard. You will…
(a) Request the bank officials to be considerate
e nough t o f i na nc e t he pendi ng c as e s
because t he scheme rel at es t o povert y
alleviation programme.
(b) Warn the bank official that govt. will take
stringent measure including punish those
whose performance will not be upto the
(c) Suggest the bank officials that they should
strictly go by recommendation of the state
government of f i c i al s and di sbur se t he
money then and there.
(d) Reiterate government instructions in this
r e ga r d a nd t e l l t ha t whi l e di s t r i c t
administration will be happy to appreciate
the concerns of the banks, it is equally
important to finance the genuine claims of
the people.
14. There is a serious flood in your district where
a large number of people have to be evacuated
and brought to safer place and provided with
flood relief. Your subordinate officials are doing
excellent job in mitigating the sufferings of the
people. You have decided to raise the morale
of your work force by …
(a) Recommending to state govt. that once of
your officer should receive out of turn
pr omot i on be c aus e he ha s done a n
exemplary work.
(b) Of the ten such officers two of the officers
must get a cash prize of 5000=00 each from
the state govt.
(c) Hal f of your wor kf or c e mus t get a
c omme nda t i on l et t e r e a c h f or a n out
standing achievement.
(d) None of the above.
15. You have called a peace committee meeting of
both communities in a particular police station
whi c h ha s a ver y poor t r a c k r ec or d of
communal disturbances in the past. As an S.H.O
consider the various options.
1 . You will allow both parties to openly air
t hei r gri evances agai nst each ot her as
nothing ill will should remain in their mind.
2 . You will request and solicit their cooperation
in maintaining communal harmony, but
warn also of the serious consequences if
any one tries to disturb the peace.
3 . You will ask them to voluntarily give the
name of five criminal elements of their own
community, who might disturb the peace.
Select the correct code:
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Only 3
(d) All 1, 2 & 3
16. An antisocial element is hiding himself in house
after committing a major crime. People of near
by area have encircled the house and want to
set fire the house to take revenge. You are a
police officer with a small contingent of armed
constables with you. You will…
(a) Allow the people to air their grievances by
setting fire the house.
(b) Shout the criminal to come out so that
pe opl e c oul d a s k hi m why he ha s
committed the crime.
(c) Resort to fire few rounds so that mob could
be dispersed and the criminal could be
taken into custody.
(d) Try to arrest few ring leaders who are
instigating the people.
17. There is a land dispute between two people,
one a very influential rich person and other a
very poor person. After a detailed hearing you
find equal merit on both sides. What will be
your course of action?
(a) Decide the case in favour of influential
person, because he had been very friendly
to you.
(b) Decide the case in favour of poor person
because you feel it is always better to favour
an oppressed person.
(c) Ask from both of them, and if they both
agree, go for a lottery.
(d) Go for arbitration, which can satisfy both,
if the law permits.
18. There is a sensational case in town, where a
rich and an influential man has kidnapped the
daughter of a poor man. Media, civil society
etc are making a strong representation. As a
district police chief you will…
(a) Constitute a special team for investigation
of the case and go for monitoring the case
on a day to day basis.
(b) Bring out an encounter specialist police
official and hand over the task to him to
eliminate the kidnapper to get a public
(c) Lead personally in the matter by raiding
the hideouts and arresting the kidnapper.
(d) Sound a red alert in the district and ask
the police officials to check every outgoing
and incoming vehicle.
19. A cabinet rank minister is taking a meeting of
group of officials where he had informally made
a direction that laptops purchased for education
promotion scheme should be distributed among
his partymen who have helped him to get him
elected. Rest of the officers are looking to you
because you happen to be senior most among
rest. You will…
(a) Make a strong protest and ask your officers
not to agree what honourable Minister is
(b) Ask the minister if he could give a written
order to what he is orally directing.
(c) Make aware the honourable Minister about
the purpose of procurement of computer
and express your inability to comply in
a bs e nc e of a ny ot he r gove r nme nt
(d) Make the news informally avai lable to
media, so that misdeeds of honourable
Minister is leaked and he is embarrassed.
20. You are an administrative officer and have made
a field visit where villagers have made repeated
complaints regarding one of your subordinate
who asks money on behalf of your name. You
are seriously embarrassed by the allegations. You
(a) Call the employee and if he admits that he
has collected money in your name, ask him
to return the money to the people and warn
him so that he does not repeat this act in
the future.
(b) File a criminal case in the local P.S. under
preventions of corruption Act.
(c) Suspend him and seek an explanation for
initiating departmental proceeding.
(d) Get hi m t r ans f er r ed f r om t he pr es ent
21. You are an admi ni st rat i ve of f i cer and are
occupyi ng a ve r y i mpor t a nt pos i t i on i n
conducting of elections. An important minister
of the state govt. is putting pressure on you to
help his party candidate during elections. You
(a) Make a formal complaint with Election
commission of India and seek its approval
for filling a criminal case.
(b) Contact the Election observer stationed in
your constituency and solicit his advice.
(c) Explain to the Minister your inability to
what he proposes and say that with ‘model
code of conduct’ into operation, it is illegal
to influence the officials connected with
(d) Insure that the news should be leaked and
Minister should be put in a tight corner.
22. You are a senior administrative officer incharge
of civil supply in your district. There are serious
complaint of shortage of Kerosene oil in the
district. Kerosene oil is sold only through PDS
outlets. Most of the shop owners are connected
with the local MLA. You will…
(a) Request t he MLA to make t he deal ers
understand the gravity of the situation.
(b) With the help of other supply officials raid
some of the PDS premises and file criminal
cases against those that you find indulged
in illegal trade.
(c) Go f or t i ght e ni ng of t he vi gi l anc e
Commi tt ee and ask f or ext ra quot a of
Kerosene to bridge the gap of demand and
(d) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’ above.
23. In a crowded market place around 7.30 P.M.
there is a bomb blast. Many people are feared
to have been killed and/or seriously injured in
the blast. You are a senior administrative officer
incharge of the distt. You got the information
of the blast at 7.35 P.M. You will…
(a) Personally rush to the place of occurrence
and start sending the dead and injured in
the local hospital.
(b) Ask the police, health and civic authorities
to swing into action and also sound an
alarm at the major hospitals for emergency
(c) Be in touch with the anti-terrorist squad of
the state headquarter to provide expert
(d) Call a press meet to tell the press people of
the incident and to request them not to
publish unverified information.
24. A young IPS officer has joined a district as its
police chief and notices that Junior police officials
fail to take strong action against the criminal
el ement s because they have support of an
influential leader of a ruling party. He will…
(a) Suspend two subordinate officers who are
very close to ruling party leader.
(b) Raid the housing premises of the ruling
party leader to send the correct signal.
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) None of ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’.
25. A patrolling party headed by a middle ranked
police official while on a routine patrolling duty
finds that two people carrying bags and riding
on a s c oot er a r e movi ng i n a s us pi c i ous
circumstance in a busy market place. Patrolling
party will…
(a) Give a hot chase to scooter and closely
watch its movement.
(b) Shout and make the scooter to stop and
search the article in the bag.
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’.
(d) Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’
26. In a remote village a civil officer incharge of
antipoverty alleviation programme notices that
resources meant for poor people are being
mi s us e d a nd mi s a ppr opr i a t e d by vi l l a ge
headman in connivance with the local officials.
He will…
(a) Ask explanation from local official why
there had been misappropriation of funds
made and why he should not be made
(b) Ask from village headman why he should
not be held accountable and also removed
from his post.
(c) Institute a criminal case against both local
officials and village headman and also stop
the work till guilty are punished.
(d) Solicit guidance from state government
what to do under given situation.
27. During summer season, it has been the regular
feature that most of the source of water get dry
including the only public hand tube well located
in the centre of a village. A civil officer incharge
of relief operations should take some advance
measures including…
(a) Desilting of wells and ponds so that there
could be enough water available.
(b) Convincing the people to have as many
deep hand tube wells.
(c) Arranging f or water suppl y by mobi le
tankers as is done in urban areas.
(d) Recommendi ng t o state government to
have system of water supply done through
pipe lines along with an over head water
tank of a very high capacity.
28. In a particular village, 10 villagers have become
landless because their land has been acquired
for a public purpose. All the ten families are
very poor and were sortly dependents on the
land which they have lost. They approach to a
senior revenue officer of the distt. for help. The
officer will…..
(a) Allot some govt land which is available in
nearby village and at present being used as
the grazing ground of the cattles.
(b) Advice the affected people to look for other
options and will direct concerned officials
and banks to do all possible assistance.
(c) Ask the village Panchayat, if the 10 families
could be provided with any assistance.
(d) Request some NGO if they could help the
10 families for any alternative job.
29. Street dogs have become a great problem in a
particular town. The town administration, as a
long term policy decision will…
(a) Ask some NGO to take care of street dogs
and request them to take some steps which
could reduce the problem.
(b) Catch hold of majority of street dogs and
release them in some distant villages.
(c) Streilise the male dogs in order to prevent
the reproduction.
(d) Appeal the people living in town not to
feed the street dogs so that they could die
on the account of hunger
30. There is a large scale encroachment on a
municipal land mostly by small shopkeepers.
The encroachment is in practice for the last 10
yrs and the municipal authorities have decided
upon to remove them with the assistance of
civil and police administration. They will…
(a) Ask the affected shopkeepers to voluntarily
vacate the land family otherwise they will
be forcefully removed
(b) Contract ure some shops and wi l l gi ve
preference to those in allotment who will
voluntarily vacate the municipal land
(c) Forcefully get the municipal land vacated
and ask the encroachers to bear the cost of
(d) Enter into dialogue with encroachers and
try to reach into a settlement
31. A senior education dept official wants to develop
and maintain public libraries in rural areas. He
(a) Ask field level education deptt offi cial
prepare a plan estimate for development
and maintainance of public libraries.
(b) Advi c e f i e l d l eve l of f i c i a l t o i nvol ve
educational institutions for development of
(c) Expect educators in rural areas to come for
wa r d a nd hel p i n de ve l opi ng a nd
maintaining libraries.
(d) Re que s t t he PRI t o pr e par e pl a n f or
development and maintainance of libraries
32. For containing corruption it is very important
to provide security to whistle blowers. In an
incident, a person was beaten mercilessly when
he e xpos e d va r i ous i r r e gul a r i t i e s i n
implementation of development scheme in
particular Distt.
The distt. police chief should…
(a) Per s onal l y i nves t i gat e t he mat t er and
identify the culprits and ensure that they
are brought to justice.
(b) Ge t t he i nve s t i ga t i on done by a
professionally competent police officer and
take initiative for speedy trial.
(c) Start a massive manhunt for the accessed
and approached than and ensure that
guilty get an exemplary punishment.
(d) Ensure t he protect ion of other whi st l e
blowers and take up the present case as a
test case so as to care people confidence.
33. You a r e s eni or of f i c e r of t he e l e c t r i c i t y
department. A poor man has come before you
with a grievance that your junior officers are
threatening him to pay electricity bill otherwise
they will disconnect his domestic connection.
The poor man i s r epeat edl y pl eadi ng f or
verification of inflated bill. You will…
(a) Ask the poor man to pay the pending bill
first and then file a grievance petition.
(b) Ask one of your subordinate to checkup
inflated bill and in the mean time do not
disconnect his connection.
(c) Ask him to meet the concerned officer and
place the problem before him.
(d) Take a grievance petition from the poor
man and endorse it to concerned officer
for appropriate action.
34. You are a revenue of ficer and under your
jurisdiction there is a disputed land on which
some members of weaker section are making
claim. An influential member of the locality is
also making a claim. You are the competent
officer to decide such claims and counterclaims.
You will…
(a) Issue notice to both parties and ask them
to appear through their lawyer before you.
(b) Seek instruction from your senior officer as
it is a very sensitive matter.
(c) Depute a subordinate officer for enquiry
a nd t ake de c i s i on s t r i c t l y a s pe r hi s
(d) Make a personal enquiry and examine the
records produced by both parties to take
final decision.
35. You are a senior officer incharge of civil supply
matters. Various reports are reaching to you
regar di ng organi zed cor rupt i on and ot her
malpractices in which your subordinates are
important beneficiaries. People of the rural areas
are making complaints and you have finally
decided to take appropriate steps. You will…
(a) You will recommend for mass transfer of
your subordinates.
(b) Computerize the whole system in order to
reduce the element of discretion.
(c) Constitute vigilance committee for each fair
price shop and bring transparency and
(d) Seek instruction from government.
1 . (d)
2 . (b)
3 . (b)
4 . (a)
5 . (c)
6 . (b)
7 . (a)
8 . (c)
9 . (b)
10. (d)
11. (d)
12. (c)
13. (d)
14. (d)
15. (b)
16. (c)
17. (d)
18. (a)
19. (c)
20. (a)
21. (c)
22. (b)
23. (b)
24. (d)
25. (c)
26. (a)
27. (a)
28. (b)
29. (c)
30. (b)
31. (d)
32. (d)
33. (b)
34. (c)
35. (b)
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