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HCS Judicial Question PaperKushmanda Education
Published On: Sun, Apr 21st, 2013

HCS Judicial Question Paper

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HCS Judicial Question Paper




                            MAIN    EXAMINATION,2011

                                                         Paper I

                                                         Civil Law

 Max.  Marks:  200                                                                            Time:  3 hrs.


(i)  Candidates   are required  to attempt all questions  in the same seriatim  as they  appear.

(ii)  Marks  are indicated  against  each  question.

(iii)  Support  your answer  with relevant  provisions  and case law. (iv)   No extra  Answer  Sheet  will be provided.

Q. 1. (a) What  is the difference   between  res sub judice  in Section 10 and  res judicata   in  Section   11 of  the  Code  of  Civil   Procedure, 1908?        (10)

(b) What  causes  of action  can  be joined   without   the  leave  of the court,  to a suit for recovery   of immovable   property?                          (10)

(c)  ‘A’   agrees  to  sell  and  deliver  to  ‘B’  500 Kgs.  of sugar  at the rate  of Rs.50  per  kg. on date  ‘X’. On the  same  day he agrees  to  sell and deliver  to ‘C’  a like quantity  of sugar at the same rate on the same date.  Can  ‘B’  & ‘C’ join  together   as plaintiffs   in one  suit  against  ‘A’ and ifnot,   then why not?  (10)

 (d)  What  are the powers   given  by Section  94 to a civil  court  for preventing   the ends  of justice   from  being  defeated?                          (10)

Q. 2. (a)What    are the alternative   methods  of dispute  resolution   in the Civil  Procedure   Code;  1908?                                                           (10)

(b) ‘A’  is a tradesman   in Calcutta.  ‘B’ carries  on business   in Delhi. ‘B’,  buys  goods  of’  A’ through  his agent  in Calcutta  and  requests’   A’ to deliver them to the Indian Railways.  ‘A’  deliver the goods accordingly in Calcutta.  Where  can ‘A’  sue ‘B’ for the price  of thegoods   delivered by him to ‘B’?    (10)

 (c) When  can  a civil  court  impose  costs  by way  of compensation and costs  for causing  delay?                                                                   (10)

(d) How has the Code  of Civil  Procedure   1908 defined  the following»

(I)  summary  procedure, (ii)  mesne  profits,

(iii)  judgment   and order,

(iv)   Legal  representative.                                                            (1.0)

Q. 3. (a) Yamuna   Developers   Pvt.  Ltd.  (YDPL)   contracted   with Jaipur  Tiles  Ltd. (JTL)  for supplying  various  kinds of tiles to its Green Valley  Project  with  actual  cost of Rs.50,Oo,boo.  JTL  fulfilled  its own part but YDPL  had paid only Rs.20,OO,OOO.After one year, JTL agreed to accept  Rs.20,OO,OOOin satisfaction  of its claim ofRs.30,OO,OOO.Later onJTL  filed a suit for the enforcement   of contractual  obligation.  Decide the case on the basis  of relevant   legal  provisions   and case  law.    (10)

(b) Contract   for the sale of a horse  is entered  into on thecondition that the buyer  should  have  it for eight days for trial and be  at Iiberty to return  it at the expiration  of that period  ifhe  did not find it suitable.  The horse dies without  any fault on the part of either  party, three  days after it was delivered  to the buyer for trial. Whether  contract  can be enforced? (10)

(c)  Discuss  the  law  relating  to Privity  of contract   in English  and Indian  Law with  its qualified   exceptions.   Discuss  relevant  case  laws. (10)

(d) Write the short notes  on following:-

(i)   Unjust  enrichment

(ii)  Holding  Out                                                                           (10)

Q.  4. (a)  (i) Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kaur  are  running  a Legal  Aid  Clinic.

Whether   is it a kind  of partnership?   Discuss.


(ii)  What  is implied  authority   of partner?   In what  circumstances implied  authority  ~annot  be used by partner?                                       (10)

(b)  What  are the rights  of surety  against  creditors?   Discuss  with the relevant  provisions   of Indian  Contract  Act.                                  (10)

(c)  What  are  the  rights  of unpaid  seller  against  goods?  How  the rights, of unpaid  seller  will vary  in case of part delivery  of goods?  (10)

(d) Explain  the circumstances    alongwith   relevant  provisions   of the Statute  as to when  the Civil  Court  may order  a licensed  petition-  writer to re-write  any  petition  written  by him?                                                (10)

Q. 5. (a) Digvijay  proceeds  against  Srijayan  in acivil  court claiming compensation    for  the  injury  caused  to him.  He adduces  the  following evidence   in addition   to other  documentary    and  oral  evidence.   Decide whether   following   facts  are relevant  and  admissible?

(i)   The judgment   of the Criminal  Court convicting  Srijayan  for causing  grievous  hurt by rash and negligent  driving;

(ii)  The advice note given in confidence  by the public prosecutor who  had  instructed   Digvijay   to  make  certain   statements during his deposition.                                                            (10)

(b)  Rajesh,   a  student   got  marks-sheet    from  Haryana   Education Board,  showing   that  he had  passed   in biology,  physics  and  chemistry with good marks. Rajesh,  as a matter  of fact had never opted or appeared for biology.  However,   he remained   silent  and  sought  admission   in 1st year  ofMBBS    course  at Guru  Nanak  Dev Medical   College.   When  he had to appear  in his  1st professional    course  ofMBBS,    Haryana  Board realizing   the  error,   served   a  notice   on  him  for  wrong   marks-sheet. Subsequently,    the  Medical   College   cancelled   his  admission.    Rajesh consults   you  for  using   estoppel   against   Haryana   Board.   Give  your opinion  with reasons.                                                                                 (10)

(c) Enumerate   the  situations   when _)eading questions   can be asked during  Examination-in-chief     and Re-examination.    Also point out when it is not allowed  during  cross-examination.                                              (10)

(d) Can a Judge  base his judgement   on answer to irrelevant  matters? What  are the restrictions   on the power  of the Court  to compel  a witness to produce  any  document?                                                                        (10)

HCS Judicial Question Paper
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  1. chand says:

    nice.thanks for the question paper.nd pls be kind enough to update and upload more such stuff.

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