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CSAT STUDY MATERIAL FREE - Kushmanda Education CS Updates,India resultKushmanda Education
Published On: Fri, Dec 7th, 2012



Salman is an excellent employee. He is hard working and sincere and completes his work on time. He never complains and Mr. Garg knows he can always rely on him. Salman is sure that he  will get the promotion since he is also the oldest employee in the team. However, Mr. Garg feels that  Salman is not technologically advanced although he knows enough of software to get his  radically non-existent. Also though he does his own work well he does not have the required  skills to get work done by others an essential skill in a team lead.

. Which of the following statements would be the most appropriate way for Mr. Garg to give effective feedback to salman ?

  1. Your performance is good. However you need to improve your technological skills by enrolling for one of the regular employee  training sessions. You can also practice delegating work to others and  making sure that it gets done.
  2. You are very hard working and I am proud to have you in my team. However, you need to improve on your computer and managerial skills.
  3. I regret having to tell you this but you cannot get the promotion since you are not computer savvy and you are not authoritative enough.
  4. You are hardworking and dependable. Your performance record is excellent. However, you need to upgrade your computer skills and learn to be more of a leader than a worker.


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