Time : 3 Hours M. Marks : 150
Note : Attempt Five questions in all. All questions carry equal marks. Questions No.1 is compulsary. Answer two questions from Part-I and two questions from Part-II. The parts of the same questions must be answered together and not be interpassed between anwers to other questions.
1. Write notes on any four of the following
(a) Multiple cropping
(b) Dryland Agriculture
(c) Social Marketins
(d) Zero tillage
(e) Chromosomatlh eoryo f inheritance
(l)Integratedn utrient management
2. (a) Describe syrnptoms of N and K deficiency in cereals. (10)
(b) How nitrogen fixation occurs when legumes are grown? (5)
(c) Explain the ways of loss and  availability of urea in submerged rice crop? (10)
(d) What are the symptoms of Aluminum and Manganese toxici (5)
3 (a) Explain the factors leading to green revorution in India ? (10)
(b)What are the second geneiation problems of green revorution?
Suggest the strategies to solve these problem (10)
(c)Is the present rate of growth in agriculture sufficient for food security in india? Discuss. (10)
4. (a) what do you understand by the term sustainable agriculture? (10)
(b)what is the role of crop diversification in sustainable agriculture.(5)
(c)Suggest suitable soil and water conservation practices under(10)
leveled field conditions.
(d) what are the important characterstics of weeds? .(5)
5.(a) explain gene for gene hypothesis of host parasite interactions,
(b)Describe the advantages and disadvantages of multiline varieties. (10)
c)Explain the differences between horizontal and vertical disease
6. (a) discuss the role of biological agents for the control of diseases and pests.. (10)
b)Narne at least two important diseases of the following crops(10)
i) Wheat
ii) Cotton
iii; Ric-e
iv) Gram
v) Potato
c) Explain different approaches for the control of storage pests of legurnes and wheat. (10)
7. a) Explain different types of seed dormancy encountered in seeds. (10)
b)What are the problems in post harvest handling and marketing of fruits? (10)
c) What is the importance of plant growth regulators in agriculture? (10)