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Kushmanda Education - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Tue, Dec 4th, 2012

Kushmanda Education

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Kushmanda Education Service Pvt. Ltd.

The object for the company is estabilished are:-

  • To establish, run and administrator centers, education and research institutes, collages, pre-medical, engg. Training, software training education, counseling, printing & supplying of class notes & study materials relating in company. To establish , run, maintain and manage educational institutes and conduct classes, training centers seminars, conferences, workshops or impart education in all forms or kind for all types of competitive, professional, degree, vocational diploma or any other type of examination like civil services, state civil services, SSC exam, Bank exam, railway exam, B.Ed exam, JBT, CTAT, STAT etc. courses and programs.
  •  To establish, run and administrator centers, education and research institutes, collages or schools where coaching, teaching, training, counseling and other facilities are provided to students through classes, correspondence or by any other means for any examination, degree, selection, admission, recruitment, promotions or for any other purpose or tests in any field/area in all parts of the world.
  •  To represent, act as agents or obtain franchise rights from a principal who may be another Indian or foreign education establishment, to acquire technical assistance and course metrical from the principal land facilitate, conduct and organize education programs and courses from such institution.
  • To develop, print and publish course material in form of books, electronic data on computer readable media and magazines for assisting in the education programs organized for education and research institutes and for general sale to the students.
  •  To develop, maintain and manage allied resource facilities like library, computer rooms and to facilitate and promote research and development activities in the field of accountancy, marketing, commerce, business management, engineering and medical science.
Kushmanda Education
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