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IAS Foundation 2023-24 - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Thu, Aug 25th, 2022

IAS Foundation 2023-24

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IAS Foundation 2023-24


  • 800+ Teaching Hours (12 to 14 Months Duration )
  • Comprehensive coverage of both Preliminary and Main syllabus.
  • Well-structured and planned subject sequence.
  • Personalized Mentorship
  • Regular answer writing Practice
  • Includes Prelims & Mains Test series (Including Ethics Test Series )
  • Essay writing
  • Mains Updation classes after prelims
  • Weekly current affairs classes to develop current based approach
  • Interview Guidance
  • Well-designed Study Material
1. Premier Bridge Class
  • These classes will work as a bridge between your preparation and the actual demand of the examination.
  • It will familiarize the students with the micro detailing of the syllabus thoroughly along with basic concept coverage of NCERT books.
  • It will lay a solid foundation of concepts and will help in developing the perspective & approach needed for the preparation.
2. Mains Integrated Class
  • Once the ground is prepared with understanding of syllabus, elaborated and detailed classes will be provided covering the entire UPSC Mains syllabus with largely Mains perspective.
  • Through These classes students will be equipped with critical thinking skills along with the skills for analysis and problem solving.
  • Topic wise answer writing sessions will be conducted in a time bound manner.
3. Prelims Class
  • After Mains integrated classes, Prelims Specific classes will be conducted covering complete prelims syllabus.
  • Class will be conducted in a Practice based approach where students will be encouraged to sharpen their problem solving skills. Prelims Specific current affair classes will also be provided
4. Weekly Current Affairs
  • Along with Regular classes aspirants will also get access to our Weekly current Affairs Classes (GS Analyst) for the coverage of current Issues of GS Paper 1, 2, 3, 4 & Essay t
  • It will contain not just facts, but examination relevant analysis.
5. Test Series
  • We will take regular tests which will help you to monitor your progress and also helps us to know whether someone requires additional support or not.
  • Our Prelims, Mains and Essay Test Series are part of this course.
6. Mains Updation
  • Mains examination demands that extra push with harmony of concepts and contemporary issues. This happens through value addition by updating ones knowledge along with sharp analysis to get mains ready.
  • After prelims, 150+ hours of Contemporary issues classes will be provided as part of mains updation.
7. Personalised Mentoring
  • In addition to regular classes, regular One-on-One doubt clearing sessions will be conducted to identify areas for improvement and accordingly provide our students personalised recommendations to improve one’s chances of success.
8. Interview Guidance
  • Interview guidance programme after mains result will help students to be aware of the integrities expected out of the candidate during Personality test.
  • It also provide opportunity to interact with renowned and most Eminent Panelists who have vast and hands-on knowledge
9. Study Material
  • Well-designed, Exhaustive and Updated Study Material will be provided which are self-explanatory.
  • It includes Study notes of GS Papers 1, 2, 3 and 4, Prelims Revision Notes, Contemporary Issues materials, Weekly current Affair Magazine, Yearly Current Affairs compilation and workbooks to practice and revise the topics that they have covered.

FEE: Rs 1,30,000/-      Rs 75000/-



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