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Haryana Election Naib Tehsildar Video Lecture Course & Test Series - Kushmanda EducationKushmanda Education
Published On: Mon, Mar 30th, 2020

Haryana Election Naib Tehsildar Video Lecture Course & Test Series Through Email or Whats app

Haryana Election Naib Tehsildar Video Lecture Course & Test Series Through Email or Whats app

Stay Home Stay Prepared

“Most Practicle, Simple, Focused ,Best & complete approach.” You don’t need to study anything else.

Kushmanda’s Distance Learning Programme

What you will get through email or whats app:

  • Recorded Classroom Video Lectures (Based on latest pattern) through mail or whats app
  • Most Expected & Probable Questions Sets & Answers with Explaination (PDF Format) by
  • Expert Support ( through email

Fee- Rs 9500/-

 We have an edge over others in Distance Learning Programs through our unique teaching and learning techniques.

Why students should join us?
In this exam “what to study” and “how to study” are the two important factors for success. To solve Exam Specific Questions(Expected Questions) gives you the proper knowledge about the exam pattern(the best answers) as well as makes you sharpen in your speed. By this practise you will get great  positive energy . We are ready to help/support you .
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Helpline: 08607570992, 09728926678


Or call us 08607570992,09728926678

Haryana Election Naib Tehsildar Video Lecture Course & Test Series Through Email or Whats app
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